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Joined on: Feb 8, 2015


Haii, My name is Manuel although most people call me Manny or some other nickname. I'm a I wanna be the guy fangame player/streamer. Nice to meet you

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17 Reviews

For: I wanna be Assaulted
For someone who isn't very good at avoidance (like me) this game will destroy you. The left path is by Dagger and the right path is by Tuta and it very clear that the right path is much harder. The platforming, the triggers, everything about the right path is much harder than the left.

Dagger's path- I honestly had a lot of fun with Dagger's path even though it has water stages (I don't like water) But he made it a lot of fun. The mechanic he used is that you turn into a sword fish from Donkey Kong Country and made the water screens fun. Then his avoidance fight at the end of the path which features "Undefined" by Miku is amazing. It pattern base and isn't really all that challenging until the very end of the fight.

Tuta's Path- Again a lot of fun but a lot more trolly than Dagger's path as some pits leads you to a two screen troll that you have to complete every time you fall down a pit. And the mini boss with Running Cirno is really "hard." You have to get extremely lucky towards the end of the fight but thankfully it doesn't take very long to get there. Tuta's avoidance fight however is amazing and more than makes up for it. Tuta's avoidance features the song "Orange Genome" by Miku and is much harder. Like Dagger, it a pattern avoidance with the ending being the hardest part of the avoidance. I'm very bad at avoidance so Tuta's avoidance took me 10 hours but that because the ending is so choke-able but it still an amazing fight.

I would recommend this game to those who are wanting to get better at avoidance as well since the avoidance fight are fairly challenging but aren't unfair like others.

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[2] Likes
Rating: 8.0 80       Difficulty: 60 60
Feb 8, 2015
For: I wanna be Anime
This game is a really fun game with 3 stages to play through. The first stage is kinda trigger heavy but you can see the triggers and is not trolly at all. Lots of hard shortcuts that can make it fun for more experience players as well and the graphics in the first stage is really well done.

The second stage is mostly needle with 4 different sections to break up the color scheme, so it not boring watching the same black and white needle screens while you play.

The third stage is really fun but hard as it has a very fun mechanic. The color of the background lets you know what spikes are active and what aren't which leads to puzzles and some creative platforming.

The bosses for all three stages are fun but also challenge with the first stage being an avoidance fight, and the other two mashing bosses. Lastly there extra in this game but it was "scarp" since Sundep (the creator) wasn't very happy with how it came out but it nice to see what he was planning and as a warning, the extra's is very challenging.

Overall this game is really a lot of fun and is a game I would recommend to towards who are looking to try a game that is more challenging but without going all out.

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[6] Likes
Rating: 8.0 80       Difficulty: 51 51
Feb 8, 2015
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4 Favorite Games

GameDifficultyUser's Rating
I wanna be Assaulted 60.0 8.0
I wanna see the Moon 35.0 7.3
I wanna descend into Hell 55.0 7.5
I wanna be Anime 51.0 8.0

5 Cleared Games

GameDifficultyUser's Rating
I wanna be the ししゃもぶりっじ 37.0 2.3
I wanna be Assaulted 60.0 8.0
I wanna see the Moon 35.0 7.3
I wanna descend into Hell 55.0 7.5
I wanna be Anime 51.0 8.0