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Joined on: Jul 24, 2016

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32 Reviews

For: I wanna stop the MELTDOWN
Quite possible the best fangame I have ever played. This game is just in a league of it's own, bmxbandit has created an absolute masterpiece that is the closest to perfection that I have ever seen in any fangame. The game is pretty tough, especially for newish players. But it's THAT good that I just had to play it all in one sitting, beating it in ~5hrs. Something I never do for harder fangames.

Each stage is composed of several needle rooms. The needle on show is just pure art, an impeccable combination of jumps you've seen and not seen before to create something that just...flows. Minus a couple saves no save really feels like a meat grinder and save balance is nigh on perfect throughout.

At the end of each stage you get the choice to play either an avoidance or a needle section. BOTH are incredible, which is amazing as creating both amazing needle and bosses cannot be an easy feat. The needle section at the end of each stage is somewhat harder than what came before but usually will have more saves to compensate. The bosses are rather tough and some attacks can be rough to dodge but overall are fair and really fun to learn. The fact that bmxbandit has given you the choice is pure genius and not something you'll see in any other fangame, but it simply works.

My long list of pros:
-Incredible visuals: the colour-scheme creates a somewhat melancholic scene which simply fits with the atmosphere of the game. Avoidances are pretty and sync perfectly with music that they are with.

-Level design: despite being mostly generic needle, it's stuff you'll have never seen before.

-Music: Fit every part of the game well, monstercat for the final boss got me pumping \o/

-Align guide: Simple and easy to understand and VERY useful if you don't know your aligns. More fangames should have this.

-The final chase sequence: I didn't think I'd ever play a chase sequence better than big kid chase in k2. Boy was I wrong, this felt so good to execute and so fun to play.

-The choice to do either needle or boss and then the choice to come back if you want.

-All of the bosses are outstanding and feel rewarding to beat. As a guy who prefers platforming I still had to go back and replay them as the quality on show is just too good to turn down. They are a step up (for me) from the platforming but rarely feel unfair. If I ever feel like a quick avoidance I'll go back and play these for sure.

-The only downside, and this may just be my PC was that whenever the music looped it caused a little bit of lag, sometimes throwing off my jump. A somewhat minor problem that absolutely did not affect my opinion of the game.

thebmxbandit11 should be proud of this incredible game he has created. It has absolutely set the bar for future fangames that I'll play. I doubt many will top this.

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Tagged as: Needle Avoidance Long Chase
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Rating: 9.9 99       Difficulty: 70 70
Jan 24, 2017
For: I wanna be the 3200min
Interesting needle composed of 4 stages with colourful spikes. Some jumps are pretty precise and make me question save balance. Some saves are also trivial when abusing the lack of a save blocker. Overall I wasn't a fan of the maze at the end as I was forced to look at a video to find the unintuitive path. Still an okay game to kill some time.

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Tagged as: Needle
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Rating: 6.0 60       Difficulty: 45 45
Jan 22, 2017
For: I wanna QoQoQo
Solid 100 floor game with some very fun needle throughout. The bosses are easy in comparison but that's not what you're here for. They act as a short break from the platforming which I thought was a good idea.

Not a fan of infinite jump but it was done here very well. Same with the water floors. Would recommend to anyone into 100floor games.

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Tagged as: Needle Boss 100_Floor
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Rating: 8.0 80       Difficulty: 60 60
Jan 21, 2017
For: I wanna clear 50 neon floors
Great game with good visuals and music with a ton of original jumps.

That said floor 45 has by far the worst save in the game with the RNG platform grab into a single jump diagonal; was not fun at all to grind as the first jump hurts your hands after a while.

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Tagged as: Needle Neon
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Rating: 8.2 82       Difficulty: 63 63
Dec 23, 2016
For: I wanna be the aq spike
Amazing needle game that uses line needle perfectly. Every save feels well balanced and the slight difficulty curve that exists is perfect.

Even the more annoying saves were down to my own bad skill rather than meat grinder/bad design jumps (except for that annoying diagonal save near the end MingLee)

The game is made up of 5 stages, the first two are relatively short, the third is pretty long and ramps up the difficulty somewhat. The fourth stage is a mini-stage consisting of trickier jumps but with more frequent saves. The final stage takes you back to stage 1&2 where you track back with much harder jumps this time.

The music comes from K3 with the death sound from K2. I don't see the problem in copying good songs so it gets a tick from me, play it if you enjoy needle.

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Tagged as: Needle Line_Needle
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Rating: 9.0 90       Difficulty: 60 60
Nov 18, 2016
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