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Joined on: Aug 7, 2016

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I wanna be the GOBOU 45.0 6.0

1 Review

For: I wanna be the GOBOU
An enjoyable game that mostly focuses on fighting monsters and bosses with different non-standard weapons and a later introduced skill system which allows respecing.
Platforming is kept to a minimum and is fairly easy.
While the grafics are mostly in a MS Paint style they go well with the overall theme of the game.

I'd estimate a first playthrough to be 3-6 hours depending on how long it takes to adjust to unusual combat and learning bosses although most are fair and some can potentially be first tried.

As for the skill tree: its in japanese so if you don't feel like testing around every single one you can use my general translation/description (not including dmg/ressource numbers).

Edit: the sword one (very last skill) can be used if you learn the 3 spear ones (hybrid dmg skills)

Addional info:

The spear guy with 10.000 HP that regens a lot is an avoidance which ends after the flame ground attack. While you can damage him you don't have to at all and can just focus on dodging.
It is NOT possible to kill him, he will always survive with 1 HP. Its a nice challenge to go for it though as it requires pretty much perfect damage at all times.

EXTRA boss: after the credits and 'Thank you for playing' screen you can go further to the right. To defeat this boss you will have to

use the 'Misc' sword skill or upward magic spell and eventually poison, everything else does single digit damage. After a couple of hours my final skills were:
- 'Misc' upward magic
- speed buff
- 'Hybrid' dodge roll
- Magic regen skill

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Rating: 6.0 60       Difficulty: 45 45
Aug 7, 2016
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