I wanna be the Hura

Creator: Knylp

Average Rating
1.0 / 10
Average Difficulty
41.0 / 100
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1 Review:

It's basically I wanna be the Haru with some changes (And a version of the 'smoke weed everyday' music). The game is basically a pointless rant claiming that Haru is a rip-off from I wanna be with you. I played through I wanna be with you a few minutes ago, and gameplay-wise it's completely different from Haru. Therefore, this game is completely pointless.
It's still fun to play through, the changes didn't ruin Haru's level design, and some screens are slightly more challenging now. But the changes are too few to make this game worth playing, specially if you've already played Haru. Wouldn't recommend.

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Rating: 1.0 10       Difficulty: 41 41
Jul 26, 2015