I wanna be the Intermediate

Creator: ジャック/

Average Rating
5.7 / 10
Average Difficulty
69.0 / 100
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Adventure (1) Needle (1) Avoidance (2) Trap (1) Gimmick (1) Boss (1) Extra (1)


  • by Bob
  • by Bob

2 Reviews:

Based on 100 % clear. So this game contains of hub with 2 stages, one of the stage based on "platforms" that push you momentum, and second stage based on water 1... yeah. This stages weren't that bad, bosses of them were also pretty alright, and overall this wasn't tricky

Then game gives you third stage, which is way longer than first two, and way harder. It was pretty solid stage, tbh, it's mixes both gimmicks from first stages in somewhat good way, but at the end it becomes long saves with overwhelming trap hell, so it wasn't that smooth. Then comes final boss, which was quite not hard, since i literally first tried it (it was also quite good for what it looks)

(So for any% difficulty is somewhat ~55)

Then game gives you EX warp, which leads to EX stage. This stage is just some chill outline needle, absolutely nothing hard. But then, oh man, it gives you really hard avoidance, that based on K3 intro song full version. During avoidance many instagibs will happen, also this avoidance has pretty unique layout and sometimes gradius ships will fly around in addition to overall madness. I kinda liked this avoidance, but there was some issues through, like there was one pretty luck-based attack that ruins fun and also closer to the end there was kinda insane aiming shit, that i absolutely have no idea how i passed it, lol. Fortunately, you can saw attacks in this avoidance while being dead, which is quite good, so i first tried everything after that

Anyways, overall this avoidance was very mid at best. The game itself is not really shiny, but it was still enjoyable in general

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Tagged as: Adventure Needle Avoidance Trap Gimmick Boss Extra
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Rating: 5.7 57       Difficulty: 69 69
Jul 15, 2023
Tagged as: Avoidance
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Rating: N/A       Difficulty: N/A
Jul 17, 2023