I wanna jump the Shark

Creator: Shark3143

Average Rating
6.3 / 10
Average Difficulty
52.5 / 100
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Adventure (7) Needle (2) Gimmick (2) Boss (1)


  • by Xplayerlol
  • by NightShark115
  • by Xplayerlol
  • by Xplayerlol

20 Reviews:

Level Desing:9


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Rating: 7.3 73       Difficulty: 50 50
Mar 6, 2016
Rating includes extra.
Fun adventure fangame. 3 stages, each of them with 2 different sections and a boss. Every screen has a coin (Aside from the last stage's second part, which doesn't have any coins), and if you collect every single coin in the game, you'll unlock the extra stage. Cool visuals, nice musics, annoying death sound.
I didn't really like the bosses, it felt like they had more HP than they should have, but they aren't bad at all. The last one was quite interesting, actually.
The platforming is fun. There's a short, but well-made tutorial stage, the stages are well designed, there is a fair share of gimmicks scattered through the stages and the coins are well placed.
However, it feels like not collecting the coins ruins the game's difficulty curve. Some screens will still be hard, some will be almost freebies, and the bosses will be as hard as always, while the platforming will be a lot easier overall. It feels like the game was specifically designed for the player to get the coins, and that not getting the coins is simply not an option.
There are two extra stages. Both are simple needle stages, and both are quite enjoyable. Plenty of interesting jumps along with some generic ones. Beating them will unlock another clear screen with some cute sharks.
It's a fun game, although it's designed in a way that almost forces you to play something that should be just the extra. Would recommend.

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Tagged as: Adventure Needle Gimmick
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Rating: 7.2 72       Difficulty: 58 58
Jan 24, 2016
Good adventure stuff, even has some puzzly elements for some coin segments.

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Tagged as: Adventure
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Rating: 8.5 85       Difficulty: 50 50
Dec 6, 2015
The very beginning wasn't very promising, the level design was kinda bad imo and having a single colour for the background looked particularly ugly here, I don't mind aesthetics 99.9% of the time, but I really didn't like that. After the first half of stage 1, though, everything became gradually better, way better background imagery, OK gimmicks and level design and the bosses were interesting. For a first game, I think it was great, but there's definitely room for improvement.
Update: the extra was fun and interesting, nice 100% screen

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Tagged as: Adventure
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Rating: 7.0 70       Difficulty: 45 45
Dec 5, 2015
This is an interesting game that send you through mini stages that eventually end in a boss fight. The nature of the game is to have the player try to get coins in each level based on having an extra unlock after the game is finished. The main game and the extra seems like completely different games, but both are decently well put together.

The main game in itself is a fangame that I think most people would be able to handle and enjoy. It does seem weird that the coins are optional, I feel that skipping the coins completely trivializes most of the rooms in the game. Each of the main stages has a theme of sorts and the difficulty scales well for the most part minus a few segments. The bosses are pretty simple and reasonable with the latest version of the game.

The extra stages basically turn into a needle game. They are more challenging than the main game's platforming, but the platforming is fairly well done. There isn't a lot of generic corner crap in these rooms and still manages to show some interesting jumps. I would have liked to see maybe a little visual variety as you progress through these rooms, but it's not a big deal.

Overall it's a half decent game that might be worth your time depending on your preference.

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Rating: 7.0 70       Difficulty: 50 50
Dec 1, 2015