I wanna kick the Sprikye

Creator: 真正的遊戲玩家

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Needle (1)


  • by WrathofAnubis

1 Review:

Spent an awfully long amount of time trying to remember this game's name. It's a needle game revolving around platform jumps, vines and all that, from a time before this style of needle was popular. Also features moving obstacles, gravity and needle with cherries, which aren't as popular. I was having a great time with it, then I got to a hard save with a really precise sorta-of-F-Jump-I-guess that probably is possible, but I can't tell. The platforming that leads to it is decently difficult as well. Might be worth playing if you want to check out an unexplored gem, just be wary that the difficulty ramps up really quickly.

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Tagged as: Needle
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Rating: N/A       Difficulty: N/A
Dec 11, 2017