I wanna climb a strange tower

Creator: ケィ

Average Rating
5.5 / 10
Average Difficulty
45.0 / 100
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Needle (2) Avoidance (2) Gimmick (2) Boss (1)


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3 Reviews:

Games from this author are very unique, and this game is no exception.
As the title says, we are in a "strange tower", and the content of the game confirms it.
The game is quite short but will still be able to surprise you.
Also if you play this game do not forget that you are in a "strange tower", and what happens here will never happen in the real world, so you may think that the kid just had a bad dream :)

when you died like 10 times on the final boss,his give you a 1hp,so you can press q and r around 200 times for having 20+ hp,which make this boss is super easy

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Tagged as: Needle Avoidance Gimmick
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Rating: 7.0 70       Difficulty: 45 45
Oct 1, 2022
Forgettable tower game that features 5 stages of progressively increasing uniqueness up until the final boss.

The first stage features a gravity flipper gimmick. It does not feature the usual arrows we see in many other fangames. Instead, it uses lines to switch gravity. Once you hit a line, your controls become inverted and the screen zooms in very quickly. This stage lasts for around 3 screens.

The second stage is a looping screen puzzle that shares similarity to the 3rd stage in IW Call Me It. You touch lines until all of them have been touched. Once you finish the puzzle, you're greeted with the mini-boss.

The mini boss is a rainbow cherry ring. Each cherry has 6 HP and must be shot while dodging gray cherries that increase in density as more and more cherries die. This boss is very engaging and fun. Unfortunately, it is very short due to how easy it is so the fun is short lived.

After the mini-boss, you're greeted with a maze that flips after hitting blue triggers. You're tasked with collecting 4 yellow orbs while making sure not to trap yourself in the maze, as some triggers can make traversing the room impossible.

The next stage is 3 screens of needle that are shaded with a certain color. This color determines what effect is placed on the player while doing this screen. Red clouds the entire room in a red musk while leaving some sight near the player. Blue clouds the player. Yellow is a counterpart of red, surrounding the player with a giant yellow circle that masks the things around you. After these 3 screens, you're greeted with the second mini-boss.

The second mini-boss is a cherry that shoots projectiles at you while applying the same effects seen in the previous stage. It's nothing special. Easily first tryable.

The last stage is a 10 screen stage that applies a screen effect to each screen. This stage is the most unique of the 5 stages and I had the most fun here.

The final boss is easily the worst part of the game. It starts the player off with 5 lives and makes you dodge rng in a lime-like box while throwing the occasional gib your way. Most of the attacks are either tedious, precise, or unfair. The boss really brought the game down and sucked what fun I had playing the platforming.

Wouldn't recommend. It's not hard but it's not fun either.

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Tagged as: Needle Gimmick Boss
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Rating: 4.0 40       Difficulty: 45 45
Aug 10, 2017
Tagged as: Avoidance
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Rating: N/A       Difficulty: N/A
Nov 12, 2022