I wanna see the Moon At Night

Creator: アシラム

Average Rating
1.8 / 10
Average Difficulty
77.8 / 100
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Needle (4) 1-Frame (2) Cactus (3) Eclipse-like (1)


  • by ashiramu
  • by Wolsk
  • by ashiramu

6 Reviews:

Some of the needle is okay, but it has several required cancels and 1-frames which wouldn't be so bad if cancelling and 1-frames weren't broken which forces you to cactus. There were a few especially gross saves that make this a chore to play. The first jump on the last screen is especially terrible and took me far longer than anything else did (cactus cancel, frame perfect 2-frame, 1-frame stutter, and then some stuff after). EDIT: Turns out you can do that jump with a 2-frame, 2-frame, 1-frame stutter; or keep a different align from the start of the save and just hold right through with two 2-frames. Those strats are definitely better than what I did but still kinda gross.

Do not recommend!

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Tagged as: Needle 1-Frame Cactus
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Rating: 1.4 14       Difficulty: 80 80
Dec 13, 2019
Apparently you can't 1-frame or cancel in this game.So the steak jump on the second screen is impossible for me.

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Tagged as: Needle Cactus
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Rating: N/A       Difficulty: N/A
Nov 17, 2018
Next time you make a game, try making sure it doesn't freeze for a few seconds, remove anything that would make the game unnecessarily difficult (like cancelling, since I quit on a required 1-frame), and crash after 5 minutes.

I got to a required 1-frame on the second screen before stopping; spending two hours trying to grind out a 1-frame on a laptop is a fool's errand. It's ridiculous to see how bad a game can become when a few choices regarding design of a game are made (or in this case, a lack thereof).

In terms of gameplay and aesthetics, the lag ruins the flow of the game to a point where you're resetting just waiting for a good attempt. It's basically like playing an avoidance. The aesthetics are not special at all; gray blocks, normal spike sprites, and a stagnant, black, and borderline boring background all contribute to a boring and unfun atmosphere. The music is chill, but that doesn't excuse the poor design choices/performance flaws. The stupid difficulty also contributes, as some jumps from games like Hades make their way into this game. Also, valign dependent jumps are also used in this game as previously mentioned. Overall, its a fucking terrible experience, no matter how you look at it.

If you come upon this casually, don't pay any mind to it since it is not worth your time. If you roll this during a streak, I'd skip it. If you can't skip, make sure you have a good PC, can 1-frame without cancelling, and be aware of valign tricks (since there is a valign dplane placed at the end of screen 1). Keep Jtool handy; you'll be needing it for some saves. Lastly, be more patient than I was. I know I'm not the best at natural 1-frames (mostly due to my keyboard) so make sure to stay diligent if you are 100 percent sure of your abilities as a needle player.

I have no idea if the game ends after the 2nd screen. I know I'm breaking the sacred "beat the game before review" rule, but I don't wanna spend anymore time killing my hands and hating myself for deciding to play such a terrible game.

Don't play it. Trust me, you'll be better off for it regardless of how good you might be at platforming.

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Tagged as: Needle 1-Frame
[0] Likes
Rating: 0.5 5       Difficulty: 79 79
Aug 10, 2017
Tagged as: Needle Cactus
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Rating: 4.6 46       Difficulty: 72 72
Apr 11, 2024
Tagged as: Eclipse-like
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Rating: N/A       Difficulty: N/A
Jan 1, 2022