I wanna defeat the discord makers JP side

Creators: ルッキーマン, マリマリオ, たつぬ, あーる, choco, タクヤ, とも, シロカノ, Normal, FrozenAge, Zero

Average Rating
8.2 / 10
Average Difficulty
89.2 / 100
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Needle (7) Collab (2) Discord_Makers (3) god!! (1)


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24 Reviews:

The best game of all time, hard and fun, normal area is hard and zero. It was a 2 year adventure for me. I am waiting for the second game.

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Tagged as: Needle
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Rating: 9.5 95       Difficulty: 90 90
Sep 10, 2019
Overall I liked this game, but I definitely had some issues with it. For one, I think the first 6 stages were just ok, they could have been way more interesting. They aren't just boring because it's easy, but because they genuinely lack much of interest besides cool visuals. Beyond that I found myself annoyed at some of the precision based saves in the later stages, which often killed the pacing of the game for me and were super frustrating. There's some highlights for sure, Tomo's, Sirokano's, Normal's, and Zero's stages are all quite good, but overall I'd say the game was just alright, and there's definitely better options. Recommended but only if you can stomach the worse parts of the game to play the stuff that's truly good.

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Rating: 6.3 63       Difficulty: 85 85
May 21, 2023
I don't feel like i ever will be trying Zero stage seriously at this point, so i will just drop my thoughts on this game

Every stage from Luckyman to Takuya you can easily skip. Really faded, really unfun for the most part. Some creative visuals was here and there, some interesting saves occasionaly, but overall it's just forgettable. Also R stage was probably my favourite from this bunch, but it was very bruh sometimes, Choco stage lasts too long which heavily reduce fun, Takuya probably did best job at making something memorable, but i didn't find his stage good at any point

Tomo stage was fresh after all of this. I would call his stage pretty good, but one save at screen 2 ruins whole experience for me. Platform grab that depends on your v-string, just no. Simply no, and it didn't help that this save was hardest anyway. If not the existense of this save will even probably recommend

Sirokano stage was god-tier vine-based needle. If you like vines, play it. Every save feels unique and introduces very cool and smart maneuvers. Last save was kinda bitch, because of one specific jump at the first half, but unlike Tomo, the needle in this stage is just too slapping, so even last save issue didn't ruined it. Second best stage in collab, absolutely loveable

Normal stage was quite intense, it has pretty interesting style where saves are not that long to be consistent-based, but they are also not short to be fully precision-based. It's just something in-between and it works out pretty well. I would say it has potential for me to outstand Sirokano, but last two saves were too harsh in comparison to previos ones, and they were crucially harsh, that's what i mean. So yeah, ending was kinda spoiled, i still find this largely fun

FrozenAge stage... can be described in many words. I will tell those ones: this stage is one of the most beautiful pieces of needle i've ever seen. It has fantastic driving and energetic atmosphere where visuals and music forming astonishing confluence and you just never get tired of this. It has saves that are fits this atmosphere completely. Most of the saves are precise ones, with big focus on 8px grid, v-strings, squished formations, and let me tell you - all of them was highly interesting, fun to explore, fun to finding strats and of course very fun to execute. You can't crave more from precision needle tbh, this was truly adventure for me to beat this stage and i without doubt can tell that i like it entirely and it will be always one of the best precision needle for me that actually come very close to being strong 10/10

Zero stage sucks. It has great ideas, especially when it's about collecting stuff through the screen, but maker decided to set difficulty to extreme bar, both in terms of precision and constistency, which is really unhealthy mix, considering main gimmick of this stage is fucking catharsis water, that gives you no right to mistake. Imo, this is big middlefinger to everyone who play this game and big disgrace to collab itself, since rest of the makers did not make their stages that hard. If you can stomach 90+ difficulty stuff and jumps that are more fits awfully designed L-games with classic L tileset, well it might be your halt, otherwise didn't recommend. I doubt i will bother myself to actually play this at anytime

Overall, this collab was pretty mixed bag, but it didn't let me exit unconcerned, that's for sure

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Rating: N/A       Difficulty: N/A
Jan 28, 2023
Only played a bit of the first few stages so won't give a difficulty rating, but I've gotten enough out of this and watching it to know what my thoughts are. While I'm sure it was decent at the time, it feels extremely archaic compared to recent releases. The difficulty of the game feels like "hard to be hard" rather than doing it in an interesting way, with even the first stage that is supposed to be easiest having a random plane jump in a save. (I'll at least admit the last save of Zero's is pretty interesting though). Added to this are distracting visuals, especially in the second stage and the spotlight one, and for some reason S-saves (a mistake in general but absolutely in hard needle).

Overall I can't really say I remember half the stuff I played and this review I'm typing right after with the game still open. It's pretty uninteresting and unfun, so I'd recommend something like Neo Needle Buffet as an alternative if you want a more pristine hard needle collab.

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Tagged as: Needle Collab
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Rating: 4.0 40       Difficulty: N/A
May 10, 2023
Tagged as: Needle
[2] Likes
Rating: 8.5 85       Difficulty: 90 90
Nov 22, 2017