I wanna go the Ocean Wetventure

Creator: pieceofcheese87

Average Rating
8.8 / 10
Average Difficulty
62.3 / 100
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Needle (17) Gimmick (16) Water (8) MrKrabsTrapRemix (3) SourPls (2) oceanwetventure_game (1)


  • by Bob
  • by Bob
  • by Bob
  • by Bob
  • by Bob

42 Reviews:

Wetventure is a fantastic needle gimmick game, making use of a ton of different quirky water types ranging from platform-water to propulsion-water and even some good old toxic-water, all spanning across a multitude of differently themed stages.

I think a lot of these water gimmicks could get frustrating or overly awkward somewhat easily, but Piece's design is solid throughout every stage making for a needle experience that flows (heh, because water) very smoothly. Completely different types of water are used very cleverly to make every save feel that bit different, and whilst I found some water types much harder than others to deal with (ice is still a clanger for me), the sense of improvement and growing easability with each type is very noticeable as you progress. Oh, the visuals are also great all around.

Other than a few personal distastes with some of the water types, I didn't really find much that I disliked. Nothing felt too difficult either and the balance of saves feels very solid. Maybe one complaint is that the special ride near the end of the game wasn't long enough, even though I liked it.

Very strongly recommended! Definitely one of the best needle gimmick games out there today.

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Tagged as: Needle Gimmick
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Rating: 9.1 91       Difficulty: 60 60
Mar 16, 2019
Great gimmick needle game with banger music choice

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Tagged as: Needle Gimmick Water MrKrabsTrapRemix SourPls
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Rating: 9.3 93       Difficulty: 63 63
Nov 20, 2018
Just like the previous entries in the series, this water-themed needle game advances water gimmicks more in the first 30 minutes than the entire fangame genre has seen in the last 5 years. While an all around great needle game with stellar production and interesting stage designs, it should server more of a lesson to other makers on how to innovate accepted concepts into new ideas.

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Rating: 9.5 95       Difficulty: 60 60
Nov 19, 2018
Honestly, I feel like most of the types of water in this game are poorly thought out (the gravity water, for instance, isn't really any different from just having gravity arrows and designing a save around them), with most of the saves amounting to grinding out muscle memory as a dozen different types of physics yank the Kid around. It's a polished game, for sure, and very impressive for something made in a week, but I honestly just didn't have that much fun playing it.

It's an improvement over Jumple Refrenture in the sense that the primary source of difficulty comes from the actual gimmick at play and not just precise needle jumps, but Jumple Refrenture's design ideas and implementation were simply more interesting and more satisfying to play for me, since the needle element of it didn't really bother me.

I think this is probably the most accessible game out of piece's "trilogy" and I understand why people would enjoy it, but ultimately I feel like the design in it just doesn't have that much substance to it and most of the stages just kind of peter out before doing anything neat with the specific types of water they introduce... maybe because there's not that much you can even do with them.

I did enjoy the final tower, though. Wouldn't mind seeing something like that in other games.

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Rating: 6.5 65       Difficulty: 60 60
Nov 19, 2018
If you like Jungle Adventure / Jumple Refrenture, you'll like this game. It's the same thing but with water, I didn't think it'd be as good as it was when I tested it, it was a ton more creative than I thought it was going to be, because I thought water didn't have the ability to be as diverse as vines or jump refreshers, but I was wrong. Pleasant surprise! It's probably the easiest of the three (at least for me) and I'd absolutely recommend it.

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Tagged as: Needle Gimmick Water MrKrabsTrapRemix
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Rating: 10.0 100       Difficulty: 65 65
Nov 18, 2018