WayToGoMan's Profile

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Joined on: Aug 14, 2017

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2 Games

GameDifficultyUser's Rating
I wanna Dance to Death 80.0 9.1
I wanna be the Denparadigm 85.0 9.0

2 Reviews

For: I wanna be the Denparadigm
This is the avoidance i have cleared to get back to i wanna be the guy fangames.

It was very difficult and frustrating, but this comes from my lack of skill.

A lot of pattern attacks mixed with RNG.
Worst part is the last attack. It's a complete RNG troll i thankfully only died to once.

If you want a challenge play this game.
Time: 11 hours

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Rating: 9.0 90       Difficulty: 85 85
Aug 15, 2017
For: I wanna Dance to Death
First I will talk about the needle and then the bosses.

The lower left area is the one i picked first and it's needle is very easy to do.

The upper left area had difficult needle with vines, waters and hard jumps.

The lower center area was a unique gimmick: crates
Crates are used as a help for jumps and pressing buttons to advance the stage.
The only problem with this area is that it only has 1 save per screen and it can be
very frustrating when you choke on the last jump.
I would consider this area a mix of puzzle and needle.
It was very fun nonetheless.

The upper right area had a solid needle with a constant difficulty curve.
Some jumps were hard but it was very doable.

Now to the bosses (bosses are pattern bosses for the most part, except for the upper left boss.)

The lower left boss was my favorite one it didn't take me too long to do it blind.
Nice visuals, moving platforms and fun attacks.

The upper left boss is my least favorite of them all.
Because it has a part close to the end where you need to pray to not get hit.
Otherwise this boss is more RNG based, but it is very doable except for this one part close to the end.

The boss in the lower center area was very difficult.
The patterns were difficult to read but easy to master.
This fight has no RNG and is a boss where you need to learn the patterns by heart.

The upper right boss is a very difficult miku avoidance.
You have infinite jumps but very hard patterns that are hard to learn and hard to master.
There is also one part close to the end where you need to pray to RNGesus.
It was too difficult to do it blind so I watched a video.
It stil took me very long to do.

Summary: This fangame is amazing, the visuals are unique except for the hub.
The best part are the bosses with pattern attacks.
Needle in every difficulty.
There is also a practice mode giving you 10 lives.
I had around 2500 deaths and 12 hours of playtime.
This fangame was a nice investment of time and you should try it out too.

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Rating: 9.1 91       Difficulty: 80 80
Aug 15, 2017
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2 Favorite Games

GameDifficultyUser's Rating
I wanna be the Denparadigm 85.0 9.0
I wanna Dance to Death 80.0 9.1

2 Cleared Games

GameDifficultyUser's Rating
I wanna be the Denparadigm 85.0 9.0
I wanna Dance to Death 80.0 9.1