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Joined on: Mar 11, 2015

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31 Reviews

For: I wanna be the Magnificent Stumble
I could count on one hand the needle games I've enjoyed as much as this one. While a few elements of the design here appear sloppy, it all contributes to the aesthetic and underneath that Hiddow manages to use blocks, spikes, water, apples and vines in more strange and satisfying ways than I've seen anyone do.

difficulty rating is for (EASY) mode

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Tagged as: Needle Trigger
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Rating: 9.2 92       Difficulty: 80 80
Nov 27, 2016
For: I wanna Ringo Winbee
Firstly, I had no problems with bugged saves so, at least for me, this was perfectly playable.

That said, it's a very bare-bones needle game. This seems very much like a project sheep threw together quickly and without too much care. What it feels like to me is some half-finished or discarded screens meant for other games and other things he had laying around, cobbled together and made somewhat presentable for release. It's not bad, but there's nothing outstanding to note.
It's not very short, not very long. The balance is pretty alright, and it's decently fun.

The visuals, music and production all around is very basic and not enticing, but it's playable.
The same goes for the needle. The jumps are pretty fun, sometimes interesting, although a little on the generic or iffy side, again, like some screens that just didn't reach the standard sheep bar for quality. Some screens are more generic than others, and some don't fit at all with the rest. One screen is a buffed version of screen 55 from Sheep 100 with additional saves, and one was clearly half-finished and was 'finished' by placing spikes MS Paint style in a water section.

I'd recommend this particularly if you like sheep's other games and want to have a little insight on his design, and if you like needle a lot in general.

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Tagged as: Needle
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Rating: 5.5 55       Difficulty: 55 55
Nov 21, 2016
For: I wanna reach the Signal
A fairly simple but well-made needle segment followed by avoidance. The needle is good, it only gets slightly tricky around the last screen, and is no more than 6 or 7 screens long. The visuals are kinda like Uhuhu spike but nicer imo, maybe except for the large flying stars in the background, which didn't have to be quite so distracting.
The boss is a kinda fast paced barrage style avoidance with a dotkid hitbox, mostly standard RNG stuff but really a lot of fun and not too hard for an intermediate avoidance player. It has a really nice song, too.

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Tagged as: Needle Avoidance Dotkid
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Rating: 7.5 75       Difficulty: 58 58
Oct 16, 2016
For: I wanna be the Gap
A short and lazy needle game, but it's not too bad. It starts out with the standard 'expect shit' tileset, and spikes and other obstacles are placed haphazardly. Then you transition to a stage with a really strange visual effect on it that is really gonna bother some people. It may look cool, but it's not a help for platforming. The needle becomes less sloppy, but remains very generic throughout the few remaining screens.

It's not difficult at all. Some saves are literally nothing, and the harder ones have you do 1 or 2 jumps that might be moderately difficult for a beginner.

It's passable, but far from one of the first needle games I'd suggest to beginners.

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Tagged as: Needle Short
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Rating: 4.0 40       Difficulty: 20 20
Jul 27, 2016
For: I wanna be the Noodle Loon
Solid needle. There's 2 stages here, and they both have their own style which are each a little bit unique and executed quite well. The balance in the stages themselves is good, but the second stage is considerably harder than the first. I feel like jestre may have went light on the difficulty in the first area to make sure the unconventional style didn't wear out it's welcome, but I think it could have safely been a little tougher. I recommend this most for someone looking for a short, unique needle game with a moderate challenge to it.

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Tagged as: Needle
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Rating: 7.7 77       Difficulty: 57 57
Jul 7, 2016

1 Game

GameDifficultyAverage Rating# of Ratings
I wanna Walk Out In The Morning Dew 84.3 8.3 58