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Joined on: Nov 21, 2017

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77 Ratings!
72 Reviews!
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77 Games

GameDifficultyUser's Rating
Is The Order An I wanna ? 42.0 10.0
I Wanna Ponder 80.0 10.0
Jason Enjoys The Witch's Dangerous Dandies 55.0 9.5
I wanna be the Ocean Princess 75.0 9.5
I wanna be the Overlord 40.0 9.5
I Wanna Dorito 3 60.0 9.0
I Wanna Destroy the Maelstrom 61.0 9.0
I wanna enjoy the Galvanized Peppermint Dandy 55.0 8.0
I wanna reach the Moon N/A 8.0
I wanna kill the troll king 40.0 8.0
Not Another Needle Game 75.0 8.0
I wanna be The Cat 50.0 8.0
I wanna enjoy the Electrified Butterscotch Dandy 56.0 8.0
I wanna play Kiduija 30.0 8.0
Not Another VVVVVV Game 50.0 8.0
I Wanna Enjoy the Stimulated Strawberry Lollipop Dandy 55.0 8.0
I Wanna Destroy the Needleverse Ez 45.0 8.0
I wanna warp the worlds 35.0 7.9
I Wanna Find a Cure 50.0 7.8
I wanna run the Marathon 50.0 7.7
I Wanna Transition Into The Ghost Realm 50.0 7.5
I wanna be the Strong spike3 Last Edition 60.0 7.5
I cannot but go ahead through the way of the starlit sky 20.0 7.5
I wanna spread my wings 30.0 7.0
I wanna be the knight in shining armor 19.0 7.0
I wanna be Cyan 68.0 7.0
I wanna Traverse the Neon Rainbow 50.0 7.0
I wanna rely the Needle 45.0 7.0
I wanna be the Graverobber 35.0 7.0
I wanna go across the Rainbow 30.0 7.0
I Wanna Be the Jump Master N/A 7.0
I wanna get Cultured 52.0 7.0
I wanna be the linearity 51.0 7.0
I wanna qowulu 100 40.0 7.0
I wanna enjoy my yellow shoes 2 45.0 7.0
I wanna clear 50 neon floors 60.0 7.0
I wanna be the Strongest Fairy 30.0 7.0
I wanna Bread 35.0 7.0
I wanna stop the MELTDOWN 70.0 6.8
I wanna be Minimal 52.0 6.8
I wanna be the Four seasons 49.0 6.5
I wanna fall into the snow 50.0 6.5
I wanna colorize the needle 48.0 6.5
A Minimal Adventure 42.0 6.0
I wanna be the Six Elements 50.0 6.0
I Wanna Travel the Night N/A 6.0
We Live Under The Stairs 20.0 6.0
I wanna Sunspike 70.0 6.0
I Wanna Classic Adventure 30.0 6.0
I wanna be the Animus 25.0 6.0
I wanna conquer the blow game 20.0 5.6
I wanna be the Lucien Needle 40.0 5.5
I wanna be the Kaenbyou 2 21.0 5.5
I wanna trial the simple needle 30.0 5.5
I wanna be the Kaenbyou 20.0 5.0
I wanna be the evolution 35.0 5.0
I wanna Kill the Sacred C3 2 15.0 5.0
I wanna be the Strong spike 60.0 5.0
I wanna eat Chocolate Cake 30.0 5.0
Deliriant Needle 50.0 5.0
I Wanna Graduate From DT 25.0 4.5
I wanna be the xenoglossia 15.0 4.5
I wanna see the Moon 35.0 4.0
I wanna wish you a Merry christmas 40.0 4.0
I wanna be the Kaenbyou 3 22.0 4.0
I wanna have a Random Adventure 20.0 3.5
I Wanna Play My First Fangame 25.0 3.0
I wanna be the Aura 10.0 3.0
I wanna DSD1 30.0 3.0
I Wanna Regain My Data 50.0 2.5
I wanna be the Biginner 5.0 2.0
I wanna be the Gate jump 1.0 0.0
I Wanna Uhuhu Spike 2 48.0 N/A
I Wanna Uhuhu Spike 45.0 N/A
I wanna Figure N/A N/A
I wanna fuck Lucario up the ass N/A N/A
I wanna Distort the Travesty 35.0 N/A

72 Reviews

For: I Wanna Play My First Fangame
I don't think there's really anything good about this game. For experienced players it's too short and bland to be worthwhile, and for beginners, well, the first screen has a half diamond and I distinctly remember a beginner friend of mine showing me a screenshot of a half diamond and asking me how to do it since he couldn't figure it out. I think the needle in this game has enough annoying/tricky jumps to be bad for an actual first fangame so it fails in that respect. So there's really no reason to ever play this.

As an aside, the large number of reviews (including my own!) seems to reflect how certain titles will draw a lot of players. I don't think most people here (including me!) would have played this game or reviewed it had the name been almost anything else.

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[1] Like
Rating: 3.0 30       Difficulty: 25 25
Sep 4, 2018
For: I Wanna Uhuhu Spike
I didn't like this game. I don't think it's very good. It has a lot of really clear flaws, like the black background making some jumps more difficult than they need to be, absolutely nonexistent save balancing with the hardest saves invariably being followed with trivial ones ( there's this gem of a screen where each save is significantly easier than the one prior to it https://i.imgur.com/L8QNkj1.jpg ), and just bad difficulty in general where a save is either trivially easy or only challenging because of a jump that's uncomfortably precise in a weird way ( such as this one https://i.imgur.com/tTL2h6N.jpg ). Overall I just don't think this is a good game in any way, aside not being literally broken or unplayable.

That said, it's such a classic and influential game/series (<3 wolfie) that I'd feel wierd giving it a bad rating. It makes me feel similar to critiquing Super Mario Bros for the NES over its repetitive stage aesthetics and uninspired level design. So, I won't rate this game. I'll just state I didn't like it and move on.

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[3] Likes
Rating: N/A       Difficulty: 45 45
Aug 12, 2018
For: I wanna qowulu 100
This game is great. The needle itself is pretty easy (aside from a few weirdly precise jumps), but the real challenge is situational awareness. You actually have to look ahead (!) and think about where you're going, which is pretty fresh. By the end of the game I felt like I had developed a skill in analyzing interlocking level design to figure out where to go next. Sadly, I feel like this is not a skill I will be using very often.

As an aside, I really like the fact that saves fade out after you use them, such that you never accidentally save at an old save and lose progress, but I wish it had been communicated better. I didn't realize it was a thing before seeing it stated on these delfruit reviews. Also, I think a harder version of this game (not needle-wise, but maze-wise) would benefit from not having saves fade out. This would punish a lack of situational awareness and make things more tricky. That said, the design would need to be a little different. The interlocking in this game is so broad that it's quite easy at any point in the game to lose all your hours of progress by accidentally saving at an old save. In a harder version of this game, interlocking should probably not be that broad. A challenging maze is one thing, but needing to redo hours of progress due to a single mistake is not something many people will enjoy.

But anyway, yeah, surprisingly fun game.

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Rating: 7.0 70       Difficulty: 40 40
Aug 10, 2018
For: I Wanna Find a Cure
The production values are insane, the variety is impressive, and as Den said, the fact each stage has a unique *mechanic*, not just a unique gimmick, is extremely impressive. However, I found that the level design was overall lacking, with many stages being more frustrating than fun. The Mario stage, for instance, is the first in the game but also the worst. The sliding mechanic just isn't fun and most deaths are from jumping just a little too late, which is annoying. The mechanics such as the tail are also introduced and then abandoned almost immediately, making one question why they even existed at all. On the other hand, the The End is Nigh stage was extremely fun and pushed its unique mechanic to the limit, reaching a level of quality that honestly makes me think it surpassed the original game. Overall, I would say Find the Cure is a mixed bag of quality that starts off kinda bad but ends overall good. There's more good than bad in this game for sure, but that just makes the bad stuff stick out worse. If I were rating this game purely as a fangame, I would give it a 10/10 because it is that good compared to most fangames, but rating it as an actual game, the unbalanced quality levels and the lack of fun I had in several stages leads me to knocking off a few points.

Just to look at the individual stages:

Mario - Basically what I said in the above paragraph, plus the Peach boss being bad as well. The first 50% of her health bar is a very easy to dodge move that just isn't very enjoyable and really kills the pacing of the boss. The big hill screen could be removed entirely and I wouldn't miss it, needing to reclimb the hills on each death is just boring, and it's made worse by the instagib traps. I would suggest that more time be spent pushing a mechanic to its limit and making levels fun to play with it. I think the tail had a lot of potential that just wasn't capitalized on. Removing the sliding mechanic (nice SMB3 reference it may be) and just focusing on the tail would have led to a better stage, I think.

Megaman X - Overall a solid if bland stage. I felt like it ended really soon and didn't really have any impressive moments where the dash was used really well. A few harder, extra screens might have gone a long way. Armadillo is too RNG heavy, I think, and I won just by getting lucky in the first phase and then beating the second phase first try. I don't know if needing to dash to the boss platform afterwards is great or mean, but it's definitely interesting.

Cuphead - This stage feels like Cuphead, which is the highest praise I can give. The feel of the original game was recreated perfectly and the bosses were very charming without being too hard. My personal opinion is that the final boss should have had a checkpoint and then the final phase be longer, just because I don't like repeating phase 1 over and over, but that's just personal taste. Overall a really good stage.

The End is Nigh - Honestly, in my opinion, the best part of the game. The mechanic is simple and pushed very far with tons of gimmicks along the way. The level design on display here is just great, and there's a TON of screens as well. Like I mentioned, I feel that this might have surpassed the original game, even. I basically have no complaints for it. Even the aesthetics are great, the visual design of the original's cartridge levels is recreated solidly. This stage is great, fun from beginning to end.

Runner 2 - Eh... I don't know. I'm not a fan of autorun games and this is no exception. It feels very uninspired and nothing really interesting or unique happens. It's just... an autorun game. Not very good. It's also possible to hold the kick button the entire time and trivialize the entire stage, since you kick constantly without ever letting your foot down. You can ignore every enemy in the stage, basically. The final section is a very nice reference with a good song, but I think the design of it was really bunged up. The teleporting screen transitions being able to kill you is just bad, plain and simple. It made me scared the whole time I was playing, waiting to be in the wrong place somehow and just die. To make matters worse I encountered a bug where if you're kicking on a certain screen transition, you die instantly no matter what. Since the first transition in the game kills you if you don't jump high enough, I spent 5-10 minutes looking for an alternate way to do the jump, but it turns out it's just an instagib if you're kicking ( https://youtu.be/vbY0LZ3Tw8M ). I guess you can call this karma for holding the kick button, but it's still not a very pleasant bug. (I don't blame the developers, it's easy to miss bugs like this. I'm just including this to partially note why I ended up not enjoying the finale). I'm not a fan of teleporting transitions at all, really, and I felt like the only thing I could do was throw bodies at the finale until eventually I memorized exactly what to do after teleporting. Not very fun. Thankfully it was easy enough that it didn't take too long, but still, overall this stage was not very fun or interesting.

Celeste - Mmmmmmm. Delicious. Fantastic. Good. Basically all of my praise for TIEN remains true here, though perhaps not the bit about surpassing the original. Entertaining level design. Great aesthetics. Everything about this stage is good. Well, that is, except the controls. I think the controls stumble a little. Having played the original Celeste, I could overlook the lack of a climb feature, but the way jumping off the wall ALWAYS sends you flying horizontally as far as possible just isn't comfortable. I imagine this was a concession made to avoid vertical climbing (since the original game used stamina, which this game doesn't have) but nonetheless it's not very good. That said, I don't want to dwell on the negative because this stage really is fantastic. It honestly felt at times like I was playing an expansion pack to the original Celeste. Ironically, this posed some problems because I constantly forgot that I had a double jump. I think it might actually have been better for the developer to remove double jump to preserve the Celeste feel, but I appreciate the level design that could only be made thanks to the double jump. Either way, a great stage overall and a definite highlight. The little story with Oshiro is the cherry on top.

Metroid - Honestly, a mixed bag. I think the scope and ambition is very impressive, and I don't blame anyone for praising the stage on that alone. In my opinion, though, the execution could have been done a lot better. There's a lot of "dead time" spent walking around flat, featureless ground, especially since many of the save points require you to walk an entire room's length just to get out of it, and into a room that might have even more flat nothingness. Although the world design is nonlinear in nature, I appreciated how sometimes there would be a save right before a corridor that existed solely for an upgrade, allowing for basically a gauntlet of challenges before the upgrade (or door unlocker), but in many cases the gauntlet was just very unpleasant. What sticks out in my mind is the path to the red door unlocker, where you need the speedbooster. Everything about those rooms were just not good and I spent most of my time falling and needing to retry. Frequently while playing this stage I would groan unhappily on death, dreading replaying the stuff I had just done. I think that's really the core of this stage's problem: the overall interlocking world map is nice, but the individual screens tend to range from trivial to annoying. I imagine great care was taken to not make the platforming difficult, as that isn't the point of the stage, but the result is limp platforming that you only really think about when it's frustrating enough to kill you and make you redo several screens. I think some more focus on making the platforming actually good on it's own in this stage would have gone a long way. All that said, I don't hate this stage. The scope is indeed impressive, and the nonlinearity is as engaging as it is in any metroidvania. Two things really come out to save this stage: The health system and the map. Both are staples of metroidvanias, but both are things the developers didn't have to include but did. The map allows for you to see where you haven't been at a glance, preventing one from ever truly getting stuck. The health is great for reasons I don't even need to explain, it goes a long way in making exploration less annoying. The optional health tanks are a sweet bonus too. Having a ton of HP for the boss thanks to thorough exploration is just something I appreciate. (The boss is good too, by the way. I'm not a fan of avoidance sections mid-boss but they weren't bad here). The "are you sure" confirmation after pressing reset is really solid and saved my ass more times than I can count. Watching the vod of the original race, it seems this was not originally a thing. I'm really glad Wolfi suggested it and that the developers then introduced it. I think responding to criticism and advice like that, actively implementing suggestions and such, is basically the best possible thing for a developer to do. In this case, it definitely made the stage significantly better. But back to complaining more. I think the door unlocking system was a big mistake. The original Metroid locks doors behind weapon upgrades for a reason. I was really disappointed each time I found a door unlocker. I think slightly buffed damage + aesthetic change to the spazer bullet(s) would have been so much more enjoyable than just... unlocking doors. But anyway. Overall I think the Metroid stage is good on a broad level but kind of bad on a room-by-room level. I'm not sure if I liked or disliked this stage afterwards, but when I think back on it, I mostly remembering getting frustrated at some bits (like when I encountered the super fast floaty enemy for the first time and he instakilled me in my surprise, forcing me to redo an actually challenging section I had been relieved to complete) or just walking around bored on one of the many flat sections, which isn't a very positive thing. So I would say that the Metroid stage's scope is so broad it manages to be both good and bad at the same time.

The final boss is there.

Wow, I wrote a lot more than I expected. tl;dr half the stages are kinda bad, half of them are great, and one of them is both at the same time. Thanks for reading. I tried being constructive in my criticism, I hope I didn't come off as too rude. Overall I'm glad I played this game and even the bad bits had good in them. Thank you to everyone who worked on this game.

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[10] Likes
Rating: 7.8 78       Difficulty: 50 50
Aug 7, 2018
For: I wanna be Cyan
Pretty nice needle game overall, I especially appreciated the visual effects, much like everyone else. There were a few bits I didn't like much (the first jump of the underwater plane save didn't feel very good and I never got consistent at it) but overall the good outweighs the bad here. The use of platforms is especially creative here. I'm glad I played it.

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Rating: 7.0 70       Difficulty: 68 68
Jul 31, 2018

1 Game

GameDifficultyAverage Rating# of Ratings
I wanna Distort the Travesty 41.1 5.1 9
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1 Cleared Game

GameDifficultyUser's Rating
I wanna be the Nyx N/A N/A