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Joined on: Apr 27, 2022

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エリナもう強くなった! 80.0 N/A

1 Review

KomichiAya [Creator]
For: エリナもう強くなった!
This is my first "I wanna" fangame, a little long and difficult, and maybe there are some unreasonable places, although I have tried my best to test the whole game.
I'll try my best to reply everyone in this comment. If there are impossible places, please give me feedback and I'll fix it soon. For any questions or suggestions, please contact with: [email protected]. (´・ω・`)
The last screen of extra stage is a space shooter game likes stage 3-9, but it has 2 avoid stages and 2 bosses instead. This stage is very hard, and there is a save file which can jump to this screen directly. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1q11GLHVGd7iPUSvhSu21UUjOfLgaj4r2/view?usp=share_link
And now I'm very happy that I can see the video that someone have beaten this extra game. Thanks a lot.
To Gaborro さん:(2023/5/30)If I have enough time in the future, and struggle out of the difficulties in life now(´・ω・`)... I want to make a remake version of this game. An easier one with less generic needles. I'm sorry that you have spent a lot of time on this game(an uninteresting game), but... I have watched the video of final stage. Thanks a lot.
(The past comments)Several days ago I was surprised to find that someone has beaten this game and has written a very detailed comment. I didn't think it's possible for me in the past and when I found that I'm very happy. Now I also found some videos about this game on Youtube, although not many for now. But today (2022/11/02) when I want to write something about this, this comment (and most of others) disappeared. The reason maybe the maintenance some days ago. Although it disappeared... Thanks a lot. Now I find that all the effort in this game is worth it.
(Now all comments seem to be back... (๑╹◡╹๑) (Poor English...) When I started to make this game, I just tended to make a simple taikyou game (or avoid?) likes the final boss of "I wanna kill the kamilia 3". But then I played a game named Rabi-Ribi and then I wanted to make an adventure game like this. However, since I had played I wanna games for several years, most of them were early works with genetic needles. I'm lack of spatial imagination and don't really know how to make cool needles like "I wanna be the arcfox needle" and so on. Also I wanted to improve my game technology at that time, then I found some document about needles (mostly in http://necoroneko.web.fc2.com/spike.html) and started to make it. For boss part, I wanted to make someting like Rabi-Ribi, so I refered to the style of bosses in the game, with a shooting stage and an avoiding stage. For rhythm part, I thought a lot about how to make mini games, then "Oh! Dance Dance Revolution seems cool!" and then I immediately began to seach materials like arrows and then used PS to handle them and draw backboard and so on. The next two games are just my own little thoughts...Part 2 (fruit eating) seems too annoying...
The first problems, genetic needles. Please forgave me for my poor skill... And the second problems, the game is too difficult. I have died 218582 times and spent 196h47min36s to test it (there are even some cheat because of testing). Now I'm suffering from some mental problems (just a little) and having no energy to remake this game, but at least I can make an easy version, without any very difficult needles.
Lastly, thanks for supporting this game. Such things like "my game has been beaten by someone", they are the biggest rewards for me. Although it's not a good game. Although many people dislike it. Thanks.
To yangshuoen さん: I have never got a such high rating. Thanks a lot. Although there are many problems in this game... But now I fell much better, for some prople still support this game. (´・ω・`)
To Cosmoing さん: Firstly, thanks for providing tags for this game. I'm a little sad that I got a score with 0.1 which is your worst rating. I don't know what does "a dozen extremely long bosses" refer to, for bosses like 1-5, they are a bit long but not immutable. And for middle bosses like 2-4, I don't think it matches this description but maybe you won't play this game anymore.(´・ω・`) There are a lot of problems in this game, but "It is honestly unbelievable to me that a human being could have made this game"...a little sad. Maybe I should remove this game later and then leave this circle(I don't know how to say it in English. Community?). Sorry to give you all the painful memories. (´;ω;`) (´;ω;`) (´;ω;`)
To BigBlungus_Real さん: I have tested all of the stages during making and after that I have also tried my best to retest it to ensure that there are no mechanical problems. For the difficulty, I couldn't finish games like I Wanna Kill The Kamilia 3 EZ which is 68, but I could clear some a little bit hard games like I wanna Sunspike which is 73.5(Except boss), and I could finish this game, so I gave it a score with 65. For the stages, I agree with that there are a lot of problems in needle stages. Maybe I understand something wrong(I think the rhythm game stages are most interesting ones in this game but obviously it doesn't seem like that) and I 'm not suitable for making "I wanna" fangames. All in all, thanks a lot for your advise and providing tags for this game(until today I thought there will be no new comments any more)(๑╹◡╹๑)
To p00ksさん: Thanks a lot for your advice. This is a common problem of GM8/GM8.1. I have thought about this during making, but that time I have finished Middle Stage so it will take a lot of time, including coding and retesting. Retesting is a hard and time-consuming process, so I gave up. Maybe I could solve this problem in the future. ━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━
To ferrarityyさん: Thanks for your support.(๑`・ᴗ・´๑) I have played "I wanna" games for several years, except hard ones like "I Wanna Kill the Kamilia 3". Then I planned to make a new one which contains 5 stages and 5 bosses like "I wanna Dream". But after that I found a very cute but difficult game named "Rabi-Ribi", then I planned to make mine like this too, a kawaii(cute) but a little hard one(I even didn't know what is "align" at that time). I didn't expect so many levels made now...(*´∀`) It took almost 9 months (from 7/20, 2021 to 4/24, 2022) to make this game, including making(finding and editing resources, and making bosses took a lot of time) and testing(about 2/3 of the total time).
To BigBlungus_Realさん: About the sprite, I have played a game named "I Wanna Maiden2.EN.Green", so that I want to make a game without kid but the other palces are not different from an orthodox "I wanna" game. About each savepoint, the difficulty is actually balanced because the longer the path is, the easier the needles will be. About the problem of janky, it's difficult for me to make the effect and so on as pretty as other games now, and I'm glad to remake it if I can in the future. I have added some new mechanics for bosses and mini games but maybe it's too simple or poor for everyone except me(;▽;)... About the difficulty, I have planned to make an easy version for it in the future because I'm having little free time now... Finally, about the size, the game is 198mb and the remain part is the project file of this game in the folder named "Source Code", and I can't reduce the size because of the limitation of gamemaker8.1 and a large amount of resources. Maybe I have misunderstood the rules, have used outdated technology to make this game, and haven't got enough spatial conception ability(espicially for the needles). Thanks for your useful advice...(My English is poor so please forgive me if there is something wrong with the syntax or expression)(*゚∀゚*)
To tpdlfjさん: I'll be glad if you could tell me why this game is so terrible and then I can improve it (´;ω;`)

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Rating: N/A       Difficulty: 80 80
Apr 27, 2022

1 Game

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エリナもう強くなった! 85.4 4.3 8
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