I wanna be the 1×1

Creator: sorariku98

Average Rating
5.4 / 10
Average Difficulty
37.1 / 100
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Needle (2) Gimmick (8) Boss (6) Special (9) Short (5) Visual_Challenge (1) Experimental (2)


  • by zebbe94
  • by Anonymous
  • by Anonymous
  • by zebbe94

16 Reviews:

Kinda odd but creative idea where the screen is 32x32 and you are a 2x2 dot. Kinda reminds me of Dot Kid but this time it's regular stuff instead of tons of spikes.

Now the biggest flaw I have is how fast you move the dot, even when it's thankfully possible to resize the screen. This causes a bit of trouble with handling your movement, even the slightest tap causes you to move like 2 or 3 blocks forward. You'll get used to it after a short period, though. I also found it to be a bit on the short side.

At the end you fight The Kid and he fires red bullets that launch at you. In order to attack him you will have to shoot is eyes while dodging the bullets. When he's almost halfway through he starts to shoot much faster and this is in my opinion the hardest part of the fight, even when it's basically pattern. Once his health bar around 75% down he starts to shoot streams of bullets horizontally and diagonally. For his horizontal bullets you have to watch out since he sometimes stops shooting and if the gap between the previous shot bullet and the next is too small you will most likely end up dying when falling down, so you need to be a bit patient. After that a warp spawns to the right and you win the game.

Not a bad idea with the exception of the tremendously high speed when you move the player.

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Tagged as: Needle Boss Special Short
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Rating: 5.5 55       Difficulty: 37 37
Jun 13, 2018
What a silly game, it's a 32x32 pixel window, which means you're basically playing a fangame within a single block. It's definitely an interesting concept, but of course takes a toll with the gameplay.

I think the main issue with this is the physics, your block moves insanely fast, and this makes it really hard to play with the set window size. There are some awkward things you have to do with it too, such as bonk jumps with a killer wall to the other, as well as a fall you need to swerve and jump before the end. The boss of the game is also an issue though since it's pretty damn hard given the gimmick, and I (like most reviewers) resorted to resizing the screen in order to beat it. The boss's last attack especially was pretty obnoxious, I don't feel like for an experimental game like this it should have been hard at all.

I'd recommend it if you want to try something quirky, just be sure to resize the window if the size makes it too hard.

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Tagged as: Gimmick Boss Special Experimental
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Rating: 4.0 40       Difficulty: 45 45
Sep 12, 2022
The main idea is that you play inside a really tiny screen. It's interesting, but there isn't much to it besides that. Your speed is higher than in the average fangame, and I recall the boss being kinda cancer because of that. Other than that, it's just an average game with a weird twist.

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Tagged as: Gimmick Special
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Rating: 4.0 40       Difficulty: 38 38
Feb 20, 2015
Edit: I cleared the boss. My opinion has not changed except to bump the difficulty up.

1x1 is a really cute game with a super creative gimmick where the entire game is a single 32x32 area. The gimmick is super fun, and overshadows some poor implementation. However, it is worth noting that the physics are quite awkward, and the game is buggy, with it being easy to clip into walls. This impacts the experience on the last couple screens, but I still consider this worth playing up to the boss, as it's a super unique experience, and very short. I hope more people try fun experimental stuff like this.

However, the boss is kinda dumb. Don't play it.

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Tagged as: Gimmick Boss Special Short Experimental
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Rating: 6.0 60       Difficulty: 45 45
Sep 13, 2022
Tiny sized fangame where you play as a pixel.
It's an interesting concept but the fast movement ruins the game a little as you go way too fast.

Beginning is pretty easy but the last screens of platforming are a challenge with the precise movements required.

Simple boss with a "luck", or rather how long will it take to allow you to get hits, based phase to finish off.

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Tagged as: Gimmick Boss Special Short
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Rating: 4.6 46       Difficulty: 38 38
Nov 1, 2021