I wanna be the Knuckle

Creator: いる

Average Rating
5.0 / 10
Average Difficulty
51.5 / 100
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Needle (1) Avoidance (2) Trap (1) Boss (1) Trigger (1)


  • by MannyG2011
  • by MannyG2011
  • by Jdx83
  • by MannyG2011
  • by MannyG2011

3 Reviews:

This game only has 3 areas, a red area, an ice area and a black and white area. Upon spawning in the rd area, (the wrap takes you to the 3 areas at random), you find the screen empty and you have to go looking around for an invisible trigger. I don't even remember where it was, I just remember spending like three or four minutes looking for it. Although once you find it, you find a wrap that takes you to the actual area and it is just needle. Nothing too challenging, and if there is a challenging segment in a save it is usually in the beginning so it at least makes up for it in that. I don't remember if there was traps in the red area either so it was just pure needle. The boss for it was honestly a joke.

The ice area is easily the worst of the three areas, not because of the ice physics but because of all the traps. There so many in saves that it honestly feels unbalanced at time with one save being way easier than the one before it. Not to mention the boss is very RNG Heavy. I got this area last and if didn't know that it was the only boss I had left, I would have trashed the game because this boss was the worst.

The black and white area however was honestly the best. Good needle, not many traps and good music. There was one screen that I didn't like in the area but it thankfully wasn't too long. Not to mention that at the end of this area you get an avoidance instead of a shooting boss. The avoidance itself was fun, well programmed and no real instant death attacks. There one but it is very early in the boss and easy to figure out. Honestly if you want to get better at avoidances I would recommend trying this boss because it is rather enjoyable.

Overall, the game would have been well but the ice area needed to be fixed. The maker tested the game himself and if there was one thing I wish he changed... it was the ice boss because it was way to rng heavy. Otherwise it would be a pretty good game.

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Tagged as: Needle Avoidance Trap Trigger
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Rating: 4.3 43       Difficulty: 45 45
Jan 23, 2019
Tagged as: Avoidance
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Rating: N/A       Difficulty: N/A
Dec 6, 2021
Tagged as: Boss
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Rating: 5.7 57       Difficulty: 58 58
Mar 22, 2021