I wanna be the voice

Creator: ヨーヨー

Average Rating
6.3 / 10
Average Difficulty
59.0 / 100
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Avoidance (3) Miku (1)


  • by Xplayerlol
  • by Xplayerlol
  • by NightShark115
  • by Xplayerlol
  • by Xplayerlol

3 Reviews:

Rating covers Disc 1 alone, since Disc 2 is a separate exe.
Nice avoidance collection where you can choose between four different avoidances, ranked by difficulty from 1 to 10 stars (By the maker's standards, anyway). You select the avoidance you want to play by pressing the number associated with them (1 for the avoidance at the very top, 2 for the second one, etc.) and then shift. Sometimes, there's a bug that doesn't allow the player to select any avoidance. If that happens, pressing 0 should solve it. I'll describe the avoidances separately since they have quite a few differences.
- The 4-star boss, which you can access by pressing "1", is a really fun barrage-like avoidance where the Kid has a dot hitbox. Few, mostly long attacks (Though none of them feels too long), all of which require little to no learning and most of which require decent amounts of reading/dodging skill. It's not a well balanced fight, as some attacks feel too easy compared to the rest, and the last attack is by far the hardest (Also being pretty unfair, with high probabilities of walling), but it's enjoyable. Nice, simplistic visuals involving bright projectiles in a black background, and a pretty cool song. I feel tempted to call it a homage (Or something like that) to I wanna be the Salt's extra boss, since the song is similar and the visuals are the same (Though the boss is different), but this game is older, so I can't (It's most likely the other way around).
- The 10-star boss, accessible by pressing "2", is an interesting avoidance that mixes plenty of pattern and RNG. Just like the 4-star boss, the difficulty balance is way off, but no attack stands out as too hard or unfair here, though they are generally harder than the 4-star attacks due to the amount of projectiles coming from different spots at different speeds in different directions. Neat music, alright visuals (Although the background doesn't make a good contrast with the projectiles, which makes it feel a bit bland in comparison to the other avoidances in the game). Just like in the 4-star fight, you have a dot hitbox.
- The 3-star boss, accessible by pressing "3", is an avoidance that consists almost entirely of a single attack. Through roughly 150 seconds, your task is to avoid cherries of different sizes that fall from the top of the screen and may bounce on static deflectors placed at specific spots of the screen. It's definitely an interesting attack, as the cherries can bounce in really odd ways, which makes their trajectory really unpredictable. Even being as interesting as it is, however, it's still horrifyingly repetitive. To make matters worse, some cherries can get stuck between a deflector and a wall, but only for a short while, after which they will be released at extremely high speeds in a random direction and most likely kill you if you are on the way (If they are too fast, they might skip frames, but I wouldn't rely on that), so there's always a chance your attempt will be ruined with you being unable to do anything about it at all. In the last few seconds of the fight, the deflectors start moving, which is a nice novelty and breaths a bit of life into the avoidance, as the cherries start bouncing in different ways, forcing the player to pay extra attention to their trajectories (Though it doesn't feel much different from when the deflectors were static). Just a really repetitive and tedious fight overall (I recall enjoying the time I spent playing it, but that's because I was paying more attention to the music than to the fight itself, i.e. I liked the music, not the fight). Simplistic visuals, with a white background and colorful cherries, and an adorable song. Just like in the other fights, you have a dot hitbox.
- Finally, the 7-star boss, which you can access by pressing "4", is a Miku avoidance. Unlike in the other fights of the game, your hitbox is the normal Kid's hitbox this time. Nice balance between pattern and RNG, visuals are simplistic, but nice, nice music. Features one or two wall-y attacks (Namely one where the projectiles may spawn too close to you) and a few tricky patterns that are likely to kill unaware players, but nothing unbearable. Enjoyable boss overall.

Regarding the difficulty ratings, I agree with the order of difficulty (Though Miku being harder than the 4-star boss is arguable), but I heavily disagree with the degree of difficulty attributed to each of them (The 10-star boss isn't that much harder than any other boss in the game, and the 3-star boss isn't that easy). They are all pretty close to each other difficulty-wise.
It's a simplistic, but enjoyable avoidance collection. None of the avoidances is particularly great, featuring their share of flaws, but most are entertaining and somewhat challenging, with no flaws that can't be overlooked with relative ease (3-star Miku is the exception). Would recommend if you're looking for a few alright/nice avoidances to spend some time at.

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Tagged as: Avoidance Miku
[2] Likes
Rating: 6.0 60       Difficulty: 63 63
Aug 11, 2017
About half the avoidance is okay.
I don't really like the third one.

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Tagged as: Avoidance
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Rating: 6.5 65       Difficulty: 55 55
Feb 6, 2021
Tagged as: Avoidance
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Rating: N/A       Difficulty: N/A
Dec 6, 2021