I wanna Weave Through the Witch's Needle

Creator: Wolfiexe

Average Rating
7.8 / 10
Average Difficulty
65.8 / 100
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Needle (16)


  • by CakeSauc3
  • by CakeSauc3
  • by CakeSauc3
  • by Wolfiexe

Creator's Comments:

Wolfiexe [Creator]
This was the first game I made; a needle game consisting of 30 screens utilising a lot of the standard needle gimmicks.

It's drastically different from what I make now, and I've grown to dislike a large portion of the platforming over time. It does have Umineko music though so at least you're safe in that department.

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Tagged as: Needle
[7] Likes
Rating: N/A       Difficulty: 68 68
Feb 5, 2017

43 Reviews:

Somewhat lengthy needle game. While its design is interesting, and most screens are individually fun, the game introduces everything it has to offer right at the beginning, in the first few screens, pretty much killing the purpose of every stage in the game but the first one. Some jumps are recycled over and over (Almost every screen in the game has at least one of those platforms with a sideways spike on top of it), the usually fun combination of single jump and double jump water, vines and platforms gets stale after displaying everything these gimmicks have to offer, and the game just keeps going on, and on, and on, with very few novelties sprinkled around the other stages (Every 10 screens or so).
Just to reiterate, the platforming itself is actually good. The jumps are interesting, the gimmick usage is great, the visuals are nice and so are the musics. It's just that the game lasts for much longer than it should, and as a result it ends up getting repetitive (And it gets repetitive really quickly). There's no harm in trying this game out if you really want to, since it's not exactly bad, but I would strongly recommend its sequel (Witch's Tower) over it, since Witch's Tower does a much better job at justifying its length, while covering everything this game has to offer and much more.

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Tagged as: Needle
[6] Likes
Rating: 5.8 58       Difficulty: 74 74
Jun 7, 2017
the platforming is very unique but all screens looked like they were made in jtool since it seems to force itself to contain a variety of the standard gimmicks in each stage and as a result, a lot of the gimmicks (eg vines, double jump water) felt out of place. due to this, every stage felt the same and the only difference is the difficulty. some screens also display the style of many 100-floor games where the whole screen is filled with blocks and spikes just for the sake of using up the empty space. just... why? overall, there is just too much stuff being presented at the same time that gives the feeling of incompleteness.

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[3] Likes
Rating: 5.7 57       Difficulty: 59 59
Apr 25, 2017
Wolfi's needle has a really fun style which, when combined with nice tile sets and chill music, has led to the creation of an excellent needle game.

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Tagged as: Needle
[3] Likes
Rating: 9.0 90       Difficulty: 70 70
Jan 30, 2017
Here's a great needle game from a new game maker. Right out of the gate, you can tell the maker understands needle and what makes it interesting and what to do. The game is broken into 5 stages of increasing difficulty (30 or so rooms total). The level designs and jumps are pretty creative and use vines, platforms, and water to create some really interesting and ass-clenching segments. The music through the entire game is pretty good. I didn't care for some of the spike coloring in a few places where the background doesn't create enough of a contrast for my liking, but aside from that and a few segments that have difficulty spikes, this is a great needle game.

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Tagged as: Needle
[3] Likes
Rating: 8.8 88       Difficulty: 65 65
Jan 30, 2017
Basically a worse, but harder version of Tower, with weird difficulty pacing and a final stage that lasts far too long. It's not bad, but it overextends itself in places and is probably Wolfi's weakest needle game overall. Personally, I enjoyed it, but you might want to just skip to Tower instead.

The final save of this is probably the best single thing Wolfi has made, all things considered.

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[2] Likes
Rating: 7.5 75       Difficulty: 65 65
Oct 9, 2017