Endless Mirage Demo

Creator: Tralexium

Average Rating
8.7 / 10
Average Difficulty
32.6 / 100
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Adventure (10) Gimmick (4) Boss (7) Puzzle (4) Short (4) Easy (1) Demo (2) Original (1) Beginner_Friendly (1) Shortventure_2018 (5)


  • by Wolfiexe
  • by Wolfiexe

20 Reviews:

I tested this :)

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Tagged as: Adventure
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Rating: 8.5 85       Difficulty: 32 32
Nov 13, 2018
A brief look into what the future of fangames could possibly look and play like someday.

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[2] Likes
Rating: 8.5 85       Difficulty: 40 40
Nov 14, 2018
It literally is overfilled with prod value! Rad graphics, rad gimmicks, rad enemies! Everything here is just fantastic!

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Tagged as: Adventure Shortventure_2018
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Rating: 7.0 70       Difficulty: 36 36
Mar 17, 2019
This game basically speaks for itself. Everything is self-made - and it looks amazing.
I think it's astounding just how good Alex has become at making production value. And the fact that this was made by one person in a month is pretty crazy. The graphics are 10/10. Sound effects are a little primitive (probably made with bfxr) but they work. The music is good too, and added well to the atmosphere.
There are some cool things going on as well with the level design. The enemies actually add to the level instead of just being "there", and there is a good mix of short and long segments. If the goal is to be accessible for casual players, it might be a good idea to ease up on some of the instant-death things near the end of long segments. I died like that several times and it got a little frustrating sometimes. Notably, in the puzzle box room I kept dying to the boxes by being crushed and forced to restart and do the first puzzle again. Not a big deal, but it felt a little tedious.

Let's talk about the boss, because I think this was the best part of the game. It's a block monster that moves around the screen, and you need to shoot the eye to damage it. I love basically everything about the boss because it has everything a good boss should have. It immediately teaches you that you can't hit its eye when there are spikes when it starts, which is useful because the player already knows about it when it happens later on in the fight, reducing confusion.
It has different phases that all behave differently and are interesting. Its movement is predictable and able to be reacted to. The projectiles it fires are just enough to add challenge but not make it unfair. Basically, I had a lot of fun with it and I think it might be my favourite boss in all of the shortventure games.
I'll wrap up by saying that this is a great prototype for a real game. Like actually a real one. Looking at the amount of self-made content I could even imagine selling it, but that's entirely up to him.

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Tagged as: Adventure Boss Puzzle Shortventure_2018
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Rating: 8.6 86       Difficulty: 32 32
Nov 13, 2018
A work in progress project submitted for the shortventure contest, Endless Mirage is an ambitious undertaking that promises to keep growing. Its a fully custom engine with custom artwork everywhere that both feels different but captures the fangame feel. Even as a demo it has a decent amount of content, though don't expect anything epic yet.

Overall, everything looks amazing and gameplay is very smooth. There's a couple rough edges as you'd expect from a WIP but this is a great beginner friendly game, as it feels a little halfway between a more traditional platformer and the precision of a fangame. Its a great example of something big to come and feels pretty spoiler free for what will come in the future, so feel free to get a taste without feeling like you're spoiling the excitement of finding out what Tralexium manages in the long run.

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Tagged as: Adventure Beginner_Friendly Shortventure_2018
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Rating: 8.0 80       Difficulty: 35 35
Nov 13, 2018