I Wanna Leave This Hell

Creator: RandomChaos_

Average Rating
9.0 / 10
Average Difficulty
63.9 / 100
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Adventure (4) Needle (7) Avoidance (1) Gimmick (4) Medley (1) Boss (5) Visual_Challenge (3) Epilepsy_Warning (1) SourPls (2) Atmosphere (1) Yoshi (2)


  • by RandomChaos_
  • by RandomChaos_
  • by RandomChaos_
  • by RandomChaos_
  • by RandomChaos_
  • by RandomChaos_
  • by RandomChaos_
  • by RandomChaos_

Creator's Comments:

RandomChaos_ [Creator]
Game 2.

Please be sure to look at README.

This is a game with 10+ stages and it is still not finished but it does have two endings now.

If you have any problems, that sucks!

Any feedback is nice, good or bad.

Good luck and have fun!


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Tagged as: Needle Gimmick Boss
[0] Likes
Rating: N/A       Difficulty: 65 65
Mar 26, 2020

20 Reviews:

A solid effort from Randy. I feel in terms of his needle this is his best work. It's a cute somewhat creepy atmosphere combined with platforming that has aged quite well given how long it has been out. I don't have much else to say. It was a good time.

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Rating: 8.5 85       Difficulty: 60 60
May 24, 2024
This review is based on a clear of the Good Ending

As far as I'm concerned with atmosphere and music, this game is top tier, but don't let that detract from the gameplay. The platforming is smooth and incorporates some really fun gimmicks, most are stuff you'll probably have seen before if you are familiar with gimmick needle, but there's still some unique concepts and it's all quite smooth. Not every save is a total winner but there's also no losers here, it's consistent quality and fun. If you chose to go for the good ending, there's a cute medley section with some fun avoidances at the end, which to me was quite fun despite what other people have said, so play it at your own risk. It at least lets me transition into talking about the two bosses, which are quite nice, and definitely appreciated to help the pacing of the game. All in all, fantastic stuff here.

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Rating: 9.5 95       Difficulty: 56 56
Sep 4, 2023
Rating based on good end. Sometimes the difficulty balance is off and boss rush is a bit downside but still a very good game that I enjoyed a lot the whole time.

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Rating: 8.9 89       Difficulty: 62 62
Sep 18, 2022
Rating include hidden stage.
warning: dont enter hidden stage if you dont want because there no way back.

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Tagged as: Adventure Needle
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Rating: 8.8 88       Difficulty: 66 66
Mar 6, 2021
Leave this hell is a very solid needleventure style game with a couple really unfortunate spots (for me, anyway). It is, supposedly, unfinished but nothing about the game really gives that feel. There's plenty of content and a suitable finale.

Production wise, it has a very distinct atmosphere and ambiance that fits the theme of the game well, though it ends up feeling somewhat homogeneous. It's very bleak too, though that's certainly intentional and plays both somewhat in its favor and against it.

The platforming is definitely the core and the peak of the game, for the most part. The needle design manages to feel varied and fun despite not really shifting difficulty much at all during the course of the game, and pretty much every stage had something to distinguish it, giving a nice feeling of progression. However, many of the stages end with kind of a moodkiller which bothered me, and there's a couple stages whose gimmick (if you can call it that) could be called misguided at best, and nausea inducing at worst.

The bosses are fun and serve as a nice change-up, though they felt quite easy in comparison with the platforming - though there's nothing wrong with that. But for anyone looking for a needle focused game and fears bosses, this should not be a reason to stop you.

As a warning for those who worry about optional content/secrets: Near the end of the game, there is a split path which as of v.93 gives you an additional area in a very obvious secret. This area contains a medley + boss rush of Random's own games and was frankly a game ruining segment for me that you do not have the option to escape from.

Overall, outside of a couple blemishs and one misguided side adventure, I enjoyed the vast majority of this game and would recommend it if you're interested in needleventure style games in this difficulty range for sure. It manages to utilize some rarely seen gimmicks that deserve more screentime as well as some classics in a great way, but for those who it does concern, do not take the visual challenge tag lightly as while I typically find I'm more sensitive to these kinds of things than most, the stage in question was more aggravating for me than most sudoku tier effects.

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Tagged as: Adventure Needle Boss Visual_Challenge
[2] Likes
Rating: 8.2 82       Difficulty: 65 65
May 15, 2020