I Wanna Step Outside the Needle

Creator: voraciousreader

Average Rating
8.1 / 10
Average Difficulty
58.2 / 100
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Needle (6) Gimmick (7) Cycle (6)


  • by Lake
  • by Lake
  • by voraciousreader
  • by Lake
  • by Lake
  • by voraciousreader
  • by Lake
  • by voraciousreader
  • by voraciousreader
  • by voraciousreader
  • by voraciousreader
  • by voraciousreader

Creator's Comments:

voraciousreader [Creator]
Four different stages, each with its set of gimmicks, plus a final stage which combines gimmicks from the previous stages. I hope you like fruit cycles :)

v1.1 update: minor fixes and nerfs (see readme for details)

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Tagged as: Needle Gimmick Cycle
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Rating: N/A       Difficulty: 57 57
Feb 22, 2022

17 Reviews:

Fun cycle based needle game, as a continuation and expanded version of what VoraciousReader is well known for in IWM. A lot of these do feel like IWM levels in a package (partially due to the visuals) but with a coherence due to the similar styles per stage. I appreciate the frequent changeups and despite the focus on a singular concept, some custom gimmicks and distinct styles in the stage give them all their own identity. The ending felt a little abrupt, but it was fun nonetheless. Overall, as easier enjoyable cycle needle at a comfortable difficulty level in a genre that tends to lean hard and learny to the point of being unenjoyable to me, this is a very welcome difference and a recommended game for anyone who would be looking for similar.

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Tagged as: Needle Gimmick Cycle
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Rating: 8.0 80       Difficulty: 56 56
Feb 23, 2022
Very cool game with a pretty unique platforming/needle involving cycles that's explored in varied ways throughout the game. As someone that has played a good amount of maker the visuals felt a bit too "familiar", but the game still looked quite nice anyway, and I liked the song picks.

Something I noticed while playing the game is that the longer a save took, the less fun I had because I would start memorizing movements instead of reacting to the cycles. Thankfully that was only a problem in a small number of segments and the game avoided the trap that many cycle segments in fangames suffer, where you are not even paying attention to the movement of the killers.

I'm happy to see voraciousreader bringing some of his unique design from maker to it's own fangame, resulting in a game with platforming that doesn't feel quite like any other, and I'm curious and excited to see what else he can come up with in the future.

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Rating: 8.2 82       Difficulty: 60 60
Feb 23, 2022
A rather fun gimmick platforming game with a decent amount of content to fill an hour or two. The overall design was very well done, with barely any segments feeling out of place. The gimmicks also feel fresh and well used in their respective stages. My one complaint is the visuals; while the IWM tilesets do look good, they don't make the game feel very original.

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Tagged as: Gimmick
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Rating: 8.0 80       Difficulty: 60 60
Feb 22, 2022
This game is goated wtf???

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Tagged as: Needle Gimmick Cycle
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Rating: 9.5 95       Difficulty: 65 65
Jun 17, 2023
This is a really enjoyable fangame with a focus on platforming that has various cycles and gimmicks going on. It's a true jammer that I had a lot of fun with due to all the interesting segments it has throughout.

The game starts with a hub of four stages and each of these has really cool mechanics going on. Some of these involve various gimmicks such as a potion that can turn normal water into jump-refreshing water, or lasers that can alternate on and off or with buttons. Some of my favorite areas involve a stage with purple cherry cycles, an area that has moving blocks to ride across or vertically with, as well as a really cool moving water stage. After the hub comes a final stage where all the gimmicks get combined which leads to some pretty fun interactions. I liked a good bit of everything in the game so I think my only gripe is that the alternating color spikes/blocks don't have any sound effects so they were a bit awkward.

Overall, definitely a very good fangame with some fun platforming. Well worth trying if you want something interesting to play that's also not absurdly hard.

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Tagged as: Needle Gimmick Cycle
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Rating: 8.8 88       Difficulty: 55 55
Mar 2, 2023