I wanna be the Brummagem (2017)

Creator: Shinobu

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Adventure (1) Boss (1) unfinished (1)


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I started making since 2016 December. My original idea was making simple stages inspired by Symmetry, ends with an avoidance like Competitor. But, simliar as my other projects, the ideas expanded, to the point I can't handle, so I stopped in 2018 March and switched to making Bingo. Now the length of my grand plan is like, 2 times longer then Noesis, so even I can't guarantee this will get finished.
The only leak I did was in 2017 November on twitter which deleted few hours later. So excluding testers, I only know sunbla has this. From my faint memory, leaked version has 7/10 stages and 6/10 bosses finished in a hub, but due to the planned length, I still have a long way to go. And right now, there's another super long adventure to finish, with other big ones like '9 avoidances in a pack' fangame, so the delay is getting longer.
Consider yourself winning a lottery, or staying inside of this community for 5 more years if you want to see this one gets finished.

Also I don't think I will hardly change anything I made years ago so the early parts in the final version will be almost the same as the old one. But I'm leaving these words as an archive to seperate the old planned version from 2017 and the new one.

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Tagged as: Adventure Boss unfinished
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Rating: N/A       Difficulty: N/A
Aug 22, 2023