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Joined on: Sep 9, 2017

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15 Reviews

For: I wanna be the Justice Guy
I loved it. I'm going to rate every ending of this game since I beat it 100% and your experience may vary depending on how far you wanna go.

First ending is the most exciting and well-designed in my opinion and it makes sense. I enjoyed every boss, but I fell in love with final boss. First phase of it is like a preparation to second, where the REAL fight starts. Second phase is pure love, I've seen it before and I thought that it looked very hype, but it plays WAY WAAAY better, it's the most fun grind I've ever done (took me about 10 hours I think). The variety of attacks is crazy, and music, general presentation of it is simply brilliant. I never felt so excited fighting a boss before. People say this game has luck-based attacks, and I can agree with that to some extent. But I never felt like I was in for a lottery or something, when I did good I was rewarded for it, and damn it feels rewarding beating some of this bosses. Overall I recommend everyone to play up until first ending, it's the best portion of content this game has to offer. Final boss of this ending is also hardest boss of the game IMO.

Second ending involves fighting 18 not-as-fun bosses that appeared in maker's previous games. It's rather boring and serves more as a gate to hard mode. After beating this bosses, you gonna fight 2nd final boss, which is fun. This is the most "meh" ending of this game, but you gotta do it to get to a fun part. I would recommend it only if you want to experience late part of the game and enjoying it a lot.

Third ending requires beating all of main game bosses again on hard mode. This hard mode removes platforming entirely and buffs bosses significantly, final bosses all look different and play different, but they're all fun (except for Leina's 1st phase, but it wasn't too bad). It didn't take long for me to get this ending, because after all, bosses are MOSTLY the same, and you have health to spare (for some reason every hit counts as death, I always seen deaths as attempts and it just confused me). Three final bosses are very cool, but still not as cool as final boss in first ending. The very final boss delivers, thankfully, but their final attack can be tedious and frustrating. I recommend this if you can tolerate beating second ending and love the game like I do.

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Rating: 9.0 90       Difficulty: 75 75
Jul 17, 2022
For: I wanna be the Ballistic
Dropped it at the bullshit hysteric platform segment, which is just like get lucky, it's a shame 'cause it wasn't a bad game, but it can't afford to make dumb moves like that, so i would say you can play it if you willing to tolerate braindead design

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Rating: N/A       Difficulty: 55 55
May 27, 2018
For: I wanna sunworld 2
Awfully broken conveyors made me quit. Terrible vusials in the final stage and some level design choices which i didn't like, but overall level design was on point up until later parts of the game. Really my only complainments is out-of-ass conveyor coding and bad visuals, other than that could be a decent game

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Rating: 6.0 60       Difficulty: 50 50
May 12, 2018
For: I wanna be the Tribute
The very definition of obnoxious game, you may dislike everything about it. Some bosses with RNG can be unfair, traps that makes no sense and just there to piss you off, a lot of times you can't even figure out where to go. I recommend this game to you if you're masochist, if you are a regular person don't play it even if someone is willing to pay you, trust me, you'll lose your mind to this crap

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Rating: 1.0 10       Difficulty: 50 50
Feb 18, 2018
For: I wanna be the Best Guy
Platforming in this game are the worst i've seen in my entire life and could only be compared with Tribute. However the last and third to last bosses in this game is outstanding; expecially third to last (Tor iirc) i was just blewn away by it, it's one of my favorite bosses of all time and it's truly gorgeous. But honestly i don't think going through all of garbage just to get to the bosses is worth it, so you can consider this game is not worth playing, unless you really desperate to play this bosses (always can ask someone for save or savehack it)

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Rating: 6.5 65       Difficulty: 55 55
Feb 18, 2018
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3 Favorite Games

GameDifficultyUser's Rating
Not Another Needle Game 65.0 10.0
I wanna be the Justice Guy 75.0 9.0
I wanna Weave Through the Witch's Needle 68.0 8.5