I wanna be the Forehead 2

Creator: ケフィ

Average Rating
6.9 / 10
Average Difficulty
63.0 / 100
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Adventure (6) Needle (1) Avoidance (4) Trap (7) Gimmick (2) Boss (5) Secrets (4) Miku (1) Long (4) Troll (1) Extra (2) Quiz (2)


  • by Sheldons_Pet_Rock
  • by DerpyHoovesIWBTG
  • by AriesAn

19 Reviews:

Very solid game overall. I had fun with many of this game's platforming screens, traps, gimmicks, and bosses. There's a pleasant variety of everything from stage to stage, and the game never felt like it grew stale or overly frustrating.

That being said, it's always easier to point out the cons than the pros. The block gimmick from Bad Apple Stage moves incredibly slowly and makes certain saves take a very long time, which was especially true in one of the screens of the final stage. A couple questions in the quiz stage also did not make sense to me (thankfully I was able to use a walkthrough). From a larger perspective, though, this game was enjoyable the whole way through.


The extra bosses were way harder than the base game and easily bring the difficulty range of Forehead 2 into the mid to high-80's. If you are not ready for a grind, I highly recommend against playing extra.

Pigment: This is one of the few bosses I would say was genuinely poorly made. The boss teleports randomly around the arena, providing no consistent way to attack it other than waiting and hoping to get lucky. The sudden screen transitions between each quadrant of the arena are also a death sentence if you try to change screens when cherries are coming at you from off-screen.

Singular: The hardest fight in the game in my opinion. I really enjoyed the variety of attacks in this fight and thought the gradual ramp-up in the final attack's cherry density was cool. Though at this level of difficulty, the fight was inherently frustrating as well.

Squares: This avoidance is about 14 minutes long. Why.

Indigenous: Like Singular, this fight was also both very fun and very hard. I do think the difficulty of the last two attacks could have been better balanced with the rest of the boss.

Replication: Fairly interesting gimmick, though once you learn the fight, it becomes a very chill pattern-based avoidance compared to the craziness of the previous fights. A nice break.

Slow Motion: Very awesome and high-energy avoidance. My only complaints for this fight are that, in general, combining RNG elements with pattern gives the cherries opportunities to wall you sometimes.

Also, holy moly, a lot of the achievements are well hidden and come in just as much variety as the game itself. Some of them were pretty insane (two ceiling double diamonds in a row, beating the Past Garden avoidance without jumping), but again, I had fun grabbing them.

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Tagged as: Adventure Trap Boss Secrets Long Extra Quiz
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Rating: 8.1 81       Difficulty: 62 62
Mar 9, 2024
Rating Includes Extra and All Achievements

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Tagged as: Adventure Needle Avoidance Trap Gimmick Boss Secrets
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Rating: 8.2 82       Difficulty: 84 84
Feb 2, 2024
Most fangame sequels tend to be better than the original, so even though I wasn't big on the first game in this series, I was somewhat optimistic going into this game. However, this is an exception to that initial statement. This game, while improving on some aspects of the original, brings in a five course meal of new problems.

For starters, the gameplay in regards to platforming is more interesting, as the game contains more gimmicks to spice up the gameplay. However, compared to the original, the number of traps has gone way up, and the quality of these traps has BARELY improved. Genuinely, my rating would go up by like 3 whole points if this game had no traps. They aren't fun, funny, interesting, or anything. They are all annoying especially since this game often throws you into a super long save and slaps you with a trap to waste as much of your time as possible.

Then come the bosses, where the game brings some general improvements, most of the bosses are better than anything in the first game, except for a 4 minute avoidance, which has become my new least favorite fangame boss as of writing this review. The major issue is difficulty balance, the avoidance contains so many nothing attacks where absolutely nothing of note is going on, and then final is very tricky with cherries that randomly jet across the screen or curve to absolutely shit on you. I died like 6 times to this final attack, and each time was infuriating. I can stomach a lot of avoidances people say are boring, such as LoveTrap Long Miku, K3 EX Dotkid, or SAN Flandre, in fact I like some of those fights. But this fight is so draining, it's like a succubus comes to steal your soul, but instead of awesome sex, they force you to sleep on a bed of rusty nails and occasionally wake you up by pushing you into the bed.

After the avoidance I was basically completely drained, I didn't have any energy to go through the massive final stage so I just began looking up every trap. Since the final stage combines all the gimmicks, it might be worth noting the bad apple stage has a horrible gimmick where you control a cube, which basically turns into the excursion/K3 bubble gimmick without anything that makes it fun or exciting. I'm massively disappointed by this game, I wanted to like it but I feel like it just does so many things I personally can't stand.

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Rating: 1.3 13       Difficulty: 56 56
Jun 5, 2023
100% clear with secrets collected and extra stuff cleared.
Very good adventure game.It has some general traps and the game was a pretty long one so it might be annoying but I think it's okay to give it a pass since it was made in 2014.

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Rating: 7.0 70       Difficulty: 80 80
May 21, 2023

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Rating: 8.0 80       Difficulty: 60 60
Nov 14, 2021