I wanna be the Magic Master

Creator: 交喙(いすか)

Average Rating
6.3 / 10
Average Difficulty
68.8 / 100
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Boss (4)


  • by Xplayerlol
  • by Xplayerlol
  • by Renko97

6 Reviews:

My favorite bossfight in the I wanna world. A magician with 140 different spells makes for a mess of a fight. The spells aren't only attacks, but some act as powerups for the boss or field effects. There is no moment in this boss where you feel like you want to stop moving.

It mostly plays like a luck boss, and while that sounds offputting, it still mostly requires skill to be able to manage to defeat this boss.

The game mitigates the impact of the luck factor by having HP modes, and if you keep going at it getting better at the boss, even the one hit mode becomes an absolute blast.

Absolutely recommended.

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Rating: 10.0 100       Difficulty: 70 70
May 28, 2022
The positives: there is a TON of attacks and a lot of variety
The negatives: A lot of combinations are unfair, some attacks are by themselves honestly unreasonable, the witch's hitbox disappears once the animation happens and she can spawns inside/right next to you and instantly kill you.
Honestly I think this coud be fun but the lack of balancing makes this feel pretty disappointing, wasted opprtunity I'd say.

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Rating: 2.0 20       Difficulty: 70 70
Sep 16, 2022
A single boss battle, but with a ton of different attacks. You are given 3 HP on Medium, 2 HP on Hard and 1 HP on Very Hard, but your HP will drain real quick. It mostly relays on luck, since you can get a lot of situations where you just have to dodge a lot of stuff at once or are just flat out impossible to dodge. The witch is the best to get when she turns red, since shooting her does a lot of damage and there's no need to worry about an attack. Expect to see stuff like Touhou barrage, an ray of lightning where eventually a giant sphere will drop and explode or get stuck in a cobweb. There's also various debuffs you need to watch out for like paralysis, in love (hit her and you will get hit while she doesn't) or reversed controls.

If you want to beat this, then good luck... Literally.

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Tagged as: Boss
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Rating: 6.5 65       Difficulty: 75 75
Feb 23, 2018
Rating based on the easiest difficulty setting.
A single brutal boss fight. The concept is really cool. The boss, as the Magic Master, has acess to a huge range of spells (140 different spells, according to the readme file), which include attacks spells of all sorts, like damage dealers (Takes away 1 life from The Kid in normal circumstances), 1-hit-KOs (Self-explanatory) and special effects (Don't deal damage, but leave the Kid with a negative status, like Petrification, Confusion or Freezing), but also include all sorts of auxiliary spells, like buffs (To herself) and changes in the physics (Water, heavy gravity and others). Some of these spells create extremely fast projectiles, while others leave their projectiles on the screen for a looong while. This witch can summon lightnings, a giant blade, a rainbow of projectiles, laser beams, minions of all sorts, explosions, a huge dolphin or just call you on Skype, all of this while teleporting all over the screen, and every single of these things kills you.
Theoretically, this should be a fun and really difficult grind, as you'd have to understand how does each attack work and then proceed to develop a strategy to avoid each one of them. You also have a certain amount of HP, depending on the difficulty you are playing at (Maximum is 3), which helps with the grinding. However, 140 is a ridiculous amount of attacks to remember, and mainly, this witch has a HUGE amount of unavoidable combinations of attacks, so the fight turns into a luck game where you hope that she only uses avoidable attacks so that you can stand a chance.
Wasted opportunity, I'd say. I like her concept as a boss, but her attacks are completely unbalanced and having 140 different attacks is definitely overkill. It's still a somewhat unique experience, but I probably wouldn't recommend it.

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Tagged as: Boss
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Rating: 5.2 52       Difficulty: 73 73
Mar 14, 2017
Really fun boss

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Tagged as: Boss
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Rating: 8.0 80       Difficulty: 50 50
Oct 13, 2021