
Creator: lerg bwo

Average Rating
7.3 / 10
Average Difficulty
33.5 / 100
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Adventure (2) Special (2) unfinished (1)


  • by Cosmoing
  • by Cosmoing
  • by NightShark115
  • by Cosmoing

2 Reviews:

Not really sure that this is an IWBTG fangame, but it's on here so might as well. It's a fairly short unfinished metroidvania style platformer where you're some sort of bird going around doing... something. There's some story in here and the dialogue is fun to read, and the game looks pretty as well, although I wish the areas looked a bit more different from each other. A color palette upgrade would be a nice change from the brown most areas primarily featured. And while it's nice on the eyes, it's pretty bland on the ears. There's just one song for the whole game, and there's not that many sound effects either.

The platforming is where this game is great. Let's get my one complaint out of the way: falling immediately when you release jump isn't that great, especially when your jump is that floaty. But, when you get used to it, there's a lot to enjoy here. The level design is quite varied and makes good use of the abilities you have at your disposal, especially with the later powerups you'll get. The abilities themselves feel great to play with, with the main ability being just pure dang fun. Although some of the paths feel pretty loose sometimes, I think that's also part of the charm of being able to make it through the way you want to. Each stretch of the game also never felt too long or too short. It upgrades your arsenal at the right times to maximize the enjoyment you'll get out of every powerup without ever overstaying their welcome.

At the end of the day, this was a really fun experience, although not something I'd recommend to someone looking for an IWBTG fangame specifically. But if you're ok with that, then do give this a shot.

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Tagged as: Adventure Special unfinished
[1] Like
Rating: 7.5 75       Difficulty: 35 35
Nov 11, 2020
Tagged as: Adventure Special
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Rating: 7.0 70       Difficulty: 32 32
Jan 17, 2022