5 Reviews:
This game is a mess from start to finish, and it is quite difficult, too. Boss 3 is the ICONIC "impossible" boss which is to say that it is pretty difficult but not much more than that. Some of the bosses are kinda fun, but all of the platforming is uninteresting and generic (minus the bunny stage, I guess). I found the boss of the bunny stage to be the least fun by far even though it was very much not the hardest in the game; that title belongs to a boss in the boss lush, which is a buffed version of the "LoveTrap" Miku, and I found myself praying for good RNG sometimes, especially due to the final attack. Final boss is an avoidance that is very easy minus an immensely frustrating bouncing attack with high spawn density and animation-based cherry bounces.
Overall, it was not a game I'd recommend by any means. The bad parts were rarely the funny type of bad, so it just became a difficult slog with some real RNG moments.
Kinata was wrong.........................
[2] Likes
Overall, it was not a game I'd recommend by any means. The bad parts were rarely the funny type of bad, so it just became a difficult slog with some real RNG moments.
Kinata was wrong.........................
Rating: 3.0 30
Difficulty: 77 77
Jul 31, 2022
challenging but not really well designed
gets impossible at 3rd boss (stupid needle rng)
[0] Likes
gets impossible at 3rd boss (stupid needle rng)
Rating: 2.5 25
Difficulty: 100 100
Mar 9, 2015