I wanna be the Galaxy

Creator: Sureiru

Average Rating
8.3 / 10
Average Difficulty
60.8 / 100
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Adventure (12) Trap (3) Gimmick (8) Boss (5) Secrets (1) Long (10) Puzzle (8) Items (4)


  • by ChronoGear
  • by geogeo222
  • by DerpyHoovesIWBTG
  • by ChronoGear
  • by DerpyHoovesIWBTG
  • by ChronoGear
  • by Thenewgeezer
  • by geogeo222
  • by DerpyHoovesIWBTG
  • by DerpyHoovesIWBTG
  • by DerpyHoovesIWBTG
  • by DerpyHoovesIWBTG

33 Reviews:

Rating based on any%

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Rating: 8.5 85       Difficulty: 62 62
Feb 22, 2024
Rating based on 100%
Still one of my favourite games.

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Rating: 9.9 99       Difficulty: 66 66
Nov 14, 2023
Review is based on a 100% clear

Super cool game, especially when you consider the age of it. It's an openish game where you get new abilities to unlock new areas and stuff, kinda like Scribble Notes although much older. For the most part it pulls this off very well, and makes for a fun satisfying experience. There's some traps which are kinda annoying and one boss, the atom thing, is mega annoying, but besides that it's a pretty consistently fun game that holds up well. Fun stuff :)

Edit after 100%:
I went back and played this game again to go for 100% and I ended up enjoying it even more than my first playthrough, for one this might be the most ahead of it's time out of nearly any fangame, and while at times it definitely shows it's age and maybe has some annoying content, the creativity in the gimmicks, the clever design, the solid if a bit goofy bosses still hold up amazingly well and there's just so much to love about it. True ending has a pretty awesome final stage with controlling two kids, and the minigames were pretty neat if a rather small portion of play time. I definitely have issues with some parts of it but I definitely think this game is worthy of the respect it gets.

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Rating: 9.0 90       Difficulty: 56 56
Apr 8, 2023
Galaxy is a large Adventure game that uses a non-linear format to deliver quite a special journey. It was fun for the most part, though it did have some rough edges as you'd expect from a fangame this old.

To start with the good, the format of the game is just great. As the name hints, the world is actually an entire galaxy, and you can select which planets to visit through the hub. After the first planet, you unlock quite a few to go to, thus opening up a lot of options early on. Planets are littered with stars and secrets to collect, and those secrets are actually really useful to the player as they give you abilities or items sometimes. The platforming of the stages is pretty varied and is usually built around a new item you receive at the start of each world. Most of the bosses are alright as well and are accompanied by an interesting level system that changes their attacks as they level up mid-fight. You can actually have a rematch with bosses as well, this time they'll start at Level 2 instead of 1, and will eventually reach their highest level of 3 to unleash their full power.

Now for the bad, I have two major complaints, and sadly they were enough to really knock down the game for me. The first involves the water used in the game, it's actually dreadful. Essentially it weighs you down a fuck ton, so you'll only go a tiny bit even with a full jump, thus meaning you'll be spamming jump for the entire stage it's used in. I found it to actually be extremely painful to get through physically and easily consider the water temple the worst stage. My other complaint involves the boss that you have to reflect bullets onto, it truly feels like one of the most unfair fights possible. One attack it has involves cherries coming from the sky that has a limited range of safe zone, the problem is that I've absolutely been walled by it before with no chance to reach a safe zone since it's all the way on the other side of the room. That boss also has a really quick plus sign of cherries it can shoot and demolish you immediately, which means you either have to prepare for it every attack change, have pretty fucking good reflexes, or just get insta-killed by it every single time. It was particularly annoying to see the final boss be given this attack as well.

Overall, I think Galaxy is definitely an impressive game for when it came out, and even still when considered in the current time; but I also think it is a victim of its age due to how vicious the water feels and some of the traps, alongside having one of my least favorite bosses ever. I think it's still a solid game and should probably be remade for modern times, but it's good enough, for now, to be worth playing.

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Tagged as: Adventure Trap Gimmick Boss Long Puzzle Items
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Rating: 7.5 75       Difficulty: 63 63
Nov 19, 2022
Rating based on hard mode
and i highly recommend it

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Rating: 8.5 85       Difficulty: 68 68
Feb 3, 2022