I wanna be the Gatherer2

Creator: しえすた

Average Rating
6.0 / 10
Average Difficulty
69.0 / 100
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Needle (1) Trap (1)


  • by NightShark115

1 Review:

A needle game in the same vein as the first Gatherer, but a lot harder. A few gimmicks sprinkled in, including a trap stage, lots of precise jumps. The stages seemed to have lost a lot of their identity when compared to the first game and the bosses, a novelty in the series, aren't really great. Most bosses are mediocre, the only exception being the red area's, which was a step too close to being horrendous (Thankfully it doesn't have a lot of HP). Even the jumps themselves don't feel as enjoyable to execute. Even then, it's a fun game, and there's not much room for complaints about lack of variety.
I don't know. I've wanted to play this game for a long time, since I loved the first, but I'm disappointed. It's still an alright game, though, and I guess I would recommend it.

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Tagged as: Needle Trap
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Rating: 6.0 60       Difficulty: 69 69
Dec 29, 2018