7 Reviews:
This game starts out moderately bad-restarting guy rock,plain,boring platforming,annoying traps and so on.Then it becomes worse with shiity bosses at the end of each stage,and there are no good ones.Then you get to an avoidance which is also substandart,thankfully,it is not a long one.Afterwards,the game reminds what shit bosses this game has by making you to do a bos rush against all the previous 6 bosses!And they are buffed as well.And even if you had the patience to reach the end,your reward is a a god-awful immitation of the original Love Trap Kid fight,and that was the moment I gave up.Fuck this game in the ass.
[4] Likes
Rating: 1.7 17
Difficulty: N/A
Dec 1, 2016
5/10 rating in reach first miku avoidance and without collect items, not recommended to play after this at all
100% will be 0/10
[0] Likes
100% will be 0/10
Rating: 5.0 50
Difficulty: N/A
Mar 10, 2023
Like Lovetrap and awful making...
But EXCK(Cherry Boss)can Clear.
[0] Likes
But EXCK(Cherry Boss)can Clear.
Rating: 2.3 23
Difficulty: 81 81
Mar 27, 2020