2 Reviews:
Luoppgh (great name) is an adventure game that heralds from the era of Lovetrap fangames and it shows... in some ways that are perhaps not the best. Production value is pretty low but nothing outlandish, feels about right for the era.
Platforming ranges from somewhat interesting to really bad, but it's mostly the latter. 4 out of the 6 paths you can take at the beginning feature platforming that is either too hard for its own good even if it does have potential, or just whatever. There is one stage with blocks you shoot to teleport to, which I think had the best platforming and boss and I would recommend playing that one.
Bosses are overall pretty bad as well. Outside of the one I just mentioned, all of them are a pain in the ass in some way. 2 of them end with luck checks and the rest often have a ton of boring aiming stuff. I would say they're the harder part of the game.
After you go through all 6 paths, you can go through a hidden wall at the beginning to enter the more obvious Lovetrap inspiration: fighting through all the bosses again but buffed. These buffs range from nearly nothing to making the fight way, way harder. This is where most of the difficulty comes from: the game up to here is probably a 55 or a 60. There might be a secret path here too since there's a key door that I couldn't open, hard to say.
At the end of the day, unless you can handle the boss challenge this game has to offer, it's not worth your time. And even if you can, it's still probably not worth your time. Just play the one good stage and call it done.
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Platforming ranges from somewhat interesting to really bad, but it's mostly the latter. 4 out of the 6 paths you can take at the beginning feature platforming that is either too hard for its own good even if it does have potential, or just whatever. There is one stage with blocks you shoot to teleport to, which I think had the best platforming and boss and I would recommend playing that one.
Bosses are overall pretty bad as well. Outside of the one I just mentioned, all of them are a pain in the ass in some way. 2 of them end with luck checks and the rest often have a ton of boring aiming stuff. I would say they're the harder part of the game.
After you go through all 6 paths, you can go through a hidden wall at the beginning to enter the more obvious Lovetrap inspiration: fighting through all the bosses again but buffed. These buffs range from nearly nothing to making the fight way, way harder. This is where most of the difficulty comes from: the game up to here is probably a 55 or a 60. There might be a secret path here too since there's a key door that I couldn't open, hard to say.
At the end of the day, unless you can handle the boss challenge this game has to offer, it's not worth your time. And even if you can, it's still probably not worth your time. Just play the one good stage and call it done.
Rating: 3.0 30
Difficulty: 70 70
Mar 14, 2022