8 Reviews:
An 2 screen collab that starts with an easy avoidance by 智咲 命 and after that warps you to an needle section by とも. The second area is much better than the first one, and isn't too hard. The warp at the end isn't broken, you just need to hit the right pixel.
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Rating: 4.2 42
Difficulty: 48 48
Mar 25, 2018
Another needle game with the fidelity style, except this one is a collab with rosegear guy. It includes a pretty basic boring avoidance at the start and then it transitions into the needle screen.
Needle has some really cool jumps, but it ends really fast so there's not much to it.
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Needle has some really cool jumps, but it ends really fast so there's not much to it.
Rating: 5.5 55
Difficulty: 50 50
Jun 23, 2020
this starts off as just a horrible production value donger boss, but then it turns into an interesting single screen needle game.
Tagged as: Needle
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Rating: 6.7 67
Difficulty: 53 53
Apr 11, 2015