4 Reviews:
Time attack one save screens.
Each stage is separated by it's own hub of screens, growing harder as time goes on.
A few of them have tight timing, allowing for pretty much no mistake throughout the screen or one at most.
Screens on late stages have more platforming to go through before winning, don't forget the item.
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Each stage is separated by it's own hub of screens, growing harder as time goes on.
A few of them have tight timing, allowing for pretty much no mistake throughout the screen or one at most.
Screens on late stages have more platforming to go through before winning, don't forget the item.
Rating: 5.0 50
Difficulty: 46 46
Jun 2, 2022
You have to beat single needle screens on a time limit, quite a few of the screens have a similar layout but it's not too bad
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Rating: 5.0 50
Difficulty: 50 50
Dec 30, 2020