I wanna get the Rainbow feather

Creator: フライ

Average Rating
6.2 / 10
Average Difficulty
26.8 / 100
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Adventure (10) Trap (8) Gimmick (6) Boss (6) Quiz (7) Begginer (1)


  • by Xplayerlol
  • by patrickgh3
  • by patrickgh3
  • by Xplayerlol
  • by patrickgh3
  • by patrickgh3

57 Reviews:

A beginner adventure game.

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Rating: 7.6 76       Difficulty: 27 27
Aug 3, 2023
Fangame Clear #7

This fangame, very simply put, has shown its age. Extremely tedious fangame to play through, I'll break it down section by section.

The beginning is your quintessential trap needle, except a lot of the traps are borderline annoying and very tiring to learn. Invisible paths have never been my cup of tea. Although, this isn't really too bad in itself.

The snow area, is very simply put, not good at all. Most of the screens are extremely long, tedious, and riddled with annoying traps. A lot of the snowmen just serve more as timewaste and annoyance than anything else, and there's really not much substance here. Don't even get me started on the randomly appearing blocks screen, that was just straight up not fun at all.

The mechanical area was a bit better, having highlighted areas where traps could be is a nice touch and gives some leeway for creative trapping, which unfortunately was not utilized to its potential outside of a few rare circumstances. There are also just rooms with absolutely useless and confusing things, such as the room where you have to click the bottom spikes? Why? (not to mention the screen afterwards was probably the most "honk-shoo" part of the whole game. just utterly miserable.)

The gravity section is probably the first section that isn't either outright terrible, or very tedious. It was actually quite fun to play through, and most of the mechanics (albeit very poorly explained) were utilized quite well, and the pathing was also quite fun! Overall a highlight in this otherwise dim game.

The quiz is probably the most ridiculous and utterly useless section in this entire game, and does not belong whatsoever. That is all.

The monochrome area was the second area of the game that wasn't utterly terrible to play through. Overall it was a decent, only slightly tedious section that didn't really have anything super memorable going for or against it.

The crystal section is quite polarizing, the first third is honestly the best needle in the game and very fun to play through, but as soon as the breakable blocks were introduced things took a nosedive into some of the most infuriating and otherwise boring gameplay I've played up to this point. 90% of this was absolutely not needed, especially the very long tedious autoscroller screen into the multiple traps that you have to avoid before you're allowed to save. Simply not good.

The boss is just, nothing special really. I barely even remember it and I played it less than 4 days ago.

Overall, not great. Very little of this game is worth playing, but it really isn't the *worst* thing in the world, and if you're up for it, I wouldn't actively advise you to not play it, I just wouldn't recommend it is all.

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Rating: 3.5 35       Difficulty: 24 24
Jul 10, 2023
I found this game quite annoying, lots of time wasting traps which is always something I very passionately dislike, and beyond that there's not too much that's really appealing. If you are looking for a beginner fangame, there's better options elsewhere in my opinion.

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Rating: 3.3 33       Difficulty: 21 21
Apr 10, 2023
Adventure for beginners with different stages and little amount of troll

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Rating: 7.0 70       Difficulty: 20 20
Jan 25, 2023
Not sure why everyone's saying the final boss is bad, but I thought it was great. The quiz though, not so much. I really hated that thing and thought that it was unnecessary.

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Rating: 6.0 60       Difficulty: 28 28
Jan 3, 2023