I wanna Tear it

Creator: だぶりゅー

Average Rating
8.2 / 10
Average Difficulty
76.9 / 100
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Avoidance (25) RNG (3) Luck (1) Barrage (8) SourPls (1)


  • by Zorgo
  • by ChillingSpark
  • by NightShark115

78 Reviews:

Really hard avoidance. I almost like it. Cool visuals, the music fits well with the fight. Plenty of visual effects, but none of them is too distracting. There's a really nice balance between RNG and pattern, with few insta-kill pattern attacks that are super simple to learn and are there just to break the monotony. Some RNG attacks are quite creative, and while they look incredibly unfair at first glance, most of them are actually quite fair for the most part. Learning how to read each attack and slowly progressing through the fight is quite fun...
...Until the last attack sequence, anyway. The corridor phase is simply a huge middle finger to the player. There's simply no way to react to some of the attacks in that phase, and getting walled is incredibly easy. You also have to rush through the corridor because if you are too slow, the floor will disappear, and then it doesn't really matter if you managed to dodge every single projectile, you're dead anyway. Blech. After a couple deaths in the end, the fight stops being fun. With each wall in the first attacks that you didn't care for when you started playing because they were kinda rare, with each death to an unfair RNG attack that you also didn't care for when you started playing because MOST attacks were actually fair, even with each death that was actually your fault, and mainly, with each death in the corridor phase, the game looks more and more like a chore.
The corridor phase is the last attack sequence. For a game of this difficulty, having the hardest attacks at the end of the fight is even worse than it is normally, and it's already bad normally anyway. I simply can't wrap my head around it.
...I almost liked it. I can't really bring myself to personally recommend it, but most people who played it liked it, so maybe you should give it a go? I don't really know. It has only one main flaw, but it's such a critical flaw that I don't really think it can be overlooked.

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Tagged as: Avoidance
[10] Likes
Rating: 6.5 65       Difficulty: 80 80
Sep 18, 2016
авоиденс на полчасика

если вы копили удачу полгода

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[8] Likes
Rating: 9.0 90       Difficulty: N/A
Jul 20, 2020
A very fun and simple barrage game. Nearly every attack is fun and fair and they keep the player focused throughout. This was the first avoidance game I cleared and had a blast. It's only flaws are that the rng can be unfair very rarely, but when it happens late in the fight it's frustrating. However, even after these rare occasions I still kept hitting reset to try again. It's pretty addicting and enjoyable to grind. It might be kind of hard for newer players, but definitely give this game a try.

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Tagged as: Avoidance
[2] Likes
Rating: 9.2 92       Difficulty: 72 72
Jul 28, 2016
Very nice classic avoidance, the logic however on the curving inner circle has extremely weirdchamp logic.
Also wasn't the biggest fan of the intro, beside that everything was fun to play.

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Rating: 7.2 72       Difficulty: 70 70
Apr 26, 2024
If not the curving circle attack easily one of the best avoidances i've ever played. Driving and fun with cool stylish attacks and insanely good song

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Rating: 9.0 90       Difficulty: 79 79
Mar 9, 2023