I wanna 祝いたい ザお正月

Creator: Lev

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  • by MannyG2011

1 Review:

This game has no purpose really. When you die the game spells out in Japanese, "Happy new year" or something to that extent. There no challenge to it all, and the only reason to go on the platform to the left is so you can jump off and press Q so your blood which is now fireworks, goes out everywhere. At the very top there is a block platform that you can stand on which makes you think there is more but there isn't as far as I was able to find. I jumped off from the very top and made my way as far as I can to the right before pressing Q and there was nothing but invisible blocks you couldn't get on top of.

I don't really know how to even rate this game because it isn't really a game since there is nothing in it really. If you want to check it out go right ahead but I think you can pass since there nothing in it at all.

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Rating: N/A       Difficulty: N/A
Feb 8, 2016