I wanna be the Green Needle

Creator: Goranclinton

Average Rating
5.7 / 10
Average Difficulty
66.8 / 100
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Needle (6) NoBoss (1)


  • by geogeo222
  • by geogeo222

Creator's Comments:

Goran [Creator]
This was my second try to make a game. Its a corridor needle with some weird celling hights and not to long saves. Maybe it was an ok needle for his time, but now its pretty bad.
Don't recommend playing it if you are not doing roulette.

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Tagged as: Needle
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Rating: N/A       Difficulty: 62 62
Sep 4, 2019

13 Reviews:

This is what happens when you make room block layouts before you place spikes and those layouts are almost nothing but tight corridors. So much of this game is jumping over spikes of varying sizes with a low ceiling above you. A consequence of the creator giving himself so little space to work with is that minispikes become an essential tool to fill in the empty spaces. 16 pixel gaps also becomes a necessecity to create challenge.

Just about every jump in this 8 room game follows the same "hold direction/jump specific frame so you don't hit the ceiling" formula.

The music and visuals are also the same throughout the entire game and when he eventually tries to mix things up, a little past halfway through the game, he does so by making "apple needle". Still nothing changes about how you execute these jumps so they might as well have been spikes jumps anyways, they are just most annoying now because the player will have a harder time judging how to do them.

Fortunately the creator of this game went on to make actual decent games with jumps that not only look unusual but that actually offers some variety in how they are completed. Therefore I can't feel too bad about being harsh on this.

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Rating: 2.8 28       Difficulty: 62 62
Jul 26, 2016
A very good choice for people looking to break into higher level needle. Precision is demanded from the player for nearly every jump, but nothing feels like a wall or an unreasonable difficulty spike; if you can do the first save, you can handle everything in this game.

There are no gimmicks like vines/platforms/water, but there are saves making extensive usage of apples and there are several required (or encouraged) 2f jumps, so be aware.

I honestly ended up liking this game a lot more than I thought I would based on the comments here (the last save in particular was really fun), but I'm going to have to deduct a few points because of the background. Not only are there some very small spikes that are hard to see because of it (green on green), but it makes it very hard to see the Kid's feet at certain parts of the screen, which is absolutely a no-go for a game that requires this degree of precision and has so many corners. I was really bothered by it at several points, so if you're a player who relies on this sort of visual information to help position yourself for jumps then you've been warned.

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Rating: 6.5 65       Difficulty: 67 67
Dec 16, 2017
Kale has pretty much nailed everything that's wrong with this game, the creator seems to have tried to make things original by taking generic jumps and tweaking them a bit, but too often this just results in needle that is fiddly and annoying, with too many 16 pixels and precise positioning.

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Rating: 4.0 40       Difficulty: 60 60
May 26, 2019
My first hardest game clear.

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Tagged as: Needle
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Rating: 6.0 60       Difficulty: 70 70
Mar 25, 2017
Pretty good needle game. Music is so cool.

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Tagged as: Needle
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Rating: 6.2 62       Difficulty: 65 65
Oct 9, 2016