3 Reviews:
If you press "Ctrl + L," you can open a console and type either "chucknorris" for godmode or "KO" to instantly kill any boss. This game is unfinished, horribly broken, untested, and from what I can tell, impossible to beat even with the dev keys. The VVVVVV stage actually has some interesting platforming, but the gravity flip mechanic is probably the worst I've ever seen in a VVVVVV remake; you flip with the spacebar, and standing on the ceiling does not refresh your double jump. The physics are also different and make the Kid fall instantly after letting go of the jump key. The VVVVVV boss can just fly off the screen and despawn itself in the middle of the fight, and the spike boss possibly requires you to deal 15+ damage in 1.5 seconds.
Don't bother playing this. It was funny at first, but the enjoyment does not last very long.
[2] Likes
Don't bother playing this. It was funny at first, but the enjoyment does not last very long.
Rating: 1.6 16
Difficulty: 100 100
Jul 4, 2020