26 Reviews:
Rating doesn't include extra.
Fun needle trials in the same vein of the first, but quite a bit harder. It looks generic, but there are quite a few jumps I haven't seen in any other needle games (Despite most being just buffed versions of existing jumps, they are somewhat creative buffs). The weird upwards sphincter thingy was disgusting, but the rest of the game was kinda fun.
Fun needle trials in the same vein of the first, but quite a bit harder. It looks generic, but there are quite a few jumps I haven't seen in any other needle games (Despite most being just buffed versions of existing jumps, they are somewhat creative buffs). The weird upwards sphincter thingy was disgusting, but the rest of the game was kinda fun.
Tagged as: Needle
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Rating: 5.1 51
Difficulty: 61 61
Dec 5, 2017
Rating includes extra
A really short needle trials game, consisting of 20 rooms of increasing difficulty. Most of the saves are named jumps, so aren't very interesting, but some feature more complex jumps that are not often seen in fangames. There's also an extre, which is only 2 screens long, and isn't much more difficult.
[0] Likes
A really short needle trials game, consisting of 20 rooms of increasing difficulty. Most of the saves are named jumps, so aren't very interesting, but some feature more complex jumps that are not often seen in fangames. There's also an extre, which is only 2 screens long, and isn't much more difficult.
Rating: 5.5 55
Difficulty: 50 50
Aug 3, 2023