6 Reviews:
A collab game.
- King stage is simple, easy needle with some traps.
- Guille stage is corridor needle and with hard jumps.
The avoidance is decent. The attacks are easy (sometimes).
The last stage is a hard needle with traps.
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- King stage is simple, easy needle with some traps.
- Guille stage is corridor needle and with hard jumps.
The avoidance is decent. The attacks are easy (sometimes).
The last stage is a hard needle with traps.
Rating: 4.6 46
Difficulty: 68 68
Oct 3, 2023
Это просто отвратительно, самые типичные прыжки, ущербный авойд, музыка - говно.
Generic needle with boring and unfun platforming and random triggers. Avoidance is bad too.
[0] Likes
Это просто отвратительно, самые типичные прыжки, ущербный авойд, музыка - говно.
Generic needle with boring and unfun platforming and random triggers. Avoidance is bad too.
Rating: 0.7 7
Difficulty: 57 57
May 8, 2017