10 Reviews:
A 12-screen medley of ultra-generic needle screens that, naturally, ends up being just as generic. The tilesets are all changed to a pretty basic color scheme of black and blue, which I don't really mind, but might get a little repetitive after a while. Quite a few ugly saves that just kept bumping my enjoyment down, ridiculously repetitive and I don't think I've enjoyed a single bit of it. Wouldn't recommend.
[4] Likes
Rating: 2.5 25
Difficulty: 73 73
Oct 21, 2018
Needle 100% made by Guille xD
Tagged as: Needle
[0] Likes
Rating: 4.3 43
Difficulty: 64 64
Jan 31, 2024
[Comment by L-Game Player]
Tagged as: Needle
[0] Likes
Rating: 2.8 28
Difficulty: 67 67
Aug 20, 2021
Good needle game)
Tagged as: Needle
[0] Likes
Rating: 7.0 70
Difficulty: 70 70
Nov 15, 2017