I wanna be the Hurtful Pain Remake

Creator: FailJguy

Average Rating
6.5 / 10
Average Difficulty
68.4 / 100
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Needle (4) Avoidance (5) :tf: (1) Sunspike-like (1)


  • by WrathofAnubis
  • by Yok
  • by WrathofAnubis
  • by WrathofAnubis

9 Reviews:


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Rating: 6.5 65       Difficulty: 74 74
Jan 13, 2025
Platforming only; there's no way in hell I'm ever beating the avoidance.

Features five stages of progressively increasing difficulty; the final two have some pretty tricky saves and may give even advanced players trouble here and there, but it's overall pretty accessible and probably the best take on the Sunspike formula, since the earlier stages don't waste your time and Jguy's needle design is generally on point throughout. If you want a shorter needle game that has a bit of a bite to it without being too grindy, this is worth your time.

Personally, I found the final save of stage 5 to be worse than the final save of stage 4, if only because of the really annoying drop into a T-bone in the latter.

The troll in stage 4 is really easy to predict and avoid, don't worry about it.

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Rating: 7.0 70       Difficulty: 65 65
Aug 29, 2018
In all honesty I disliked this game; it does have great production value, but I didnt have fun with this game, the original is better imo. The avoidance is worth getting to. Oh, and the trolls in this game are awful, be aware.

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Tagged as: Needle Avoidance
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Rating: 4.0 40       Difficulty: 65 65
Jul 1, 2015
My rating is for the Needle Section Only.

There were some really good screens in this game with unique jumps that were simply fun! But later on it felt like the creator also put F-Jumps and T-Bones for every unique jump that I saw earlier. But those were alright since I was given 2 save points per screen most of the time.

The final screen of stage 4 kinda ruined it for me, though. It's a pretty long screen with 20+ jumps that really could have needed the 2nd savepoint. This screen gave me more trouble than anything in the entire final stage for some reason and kinda doubled my death counter at that point. Well, after many failed attempts I finally beat it, felt great AND THEN THERE WAS A TROLLFACE FALLING DOWN ON ME! The only troll in the entire game, right after the hardest screen in the entire game and... I am still speechless. I don't know what to say about this one. And I was trapped into thinking this was a needle game all the time!

GG sir, you've got me there.

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Tagged as: Needle Avoidance
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Rating: 6.9 69       Difficulty: 65 65
May 1, 2015
Tagged as: Needle Avoidance
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Rating: 8.0 80       Difficulty: 70 70
Jul 25, 2023