4 Reviews:
Bad music played loudly. It's not even a game, it's just fangame cancer made by someone who is apparently not as funny as they think they are.
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Rating: 1.0 10
Difficulty: 5 5
May 11, 2015
The platforming isn't bad, but it's just one screen. I think that it's supposed to be a joke, but it clearly fails as one. Could be developed into something better, but it wasn't. Meh. Wouldn't recommend.
[0] Likes
Rating: 3.0 30
Difficulty: 4 4
May 11, 2015
Plays the trollolol song for you after a few seconds. Terrible production value, no platforming to speak of, etc. etc. etc....might have been good for a laugh ten years ago.
Tagged as: Special
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Rating: 1.0 10
Difficulty: 5 5
May 10, 2015