I wanna be the Dallas 3

Creator: Dlastons

Average Rating
2.0 / 10
Average Difficulty
11.0 / 100
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1 Review:

Dallas 3 comes with a gift: The story behind the Dallas series. It turns out that the Dallas series is supposed to be bad.
Honestly, this game isn't nearly as bad as the other ones. Sure, it's an alpha version (That probably will never get out of the alpha, the game doesn't get updated since 2013), but the other two Dallas did worse stuff on their first screen already, so if the game is supposed to be bad, it should already be showing that.
But it isn't. Honestly, there aren't even traps, it's all about randomly placed spikes and cherries. Seems kinda meh, when you look at how the other Dallas games were. Of course, it isn't good either, but it doesn't sound like Dallas 3 at all. Not worth playing, no matter how I look at it. Wouldn't recommend.

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Rating: 2.0 20       Difficulty: 11 11
Jun 1, 2015