I wanna recover the Forest

Creator: Noeln

Average Rating
5.5 / 10
Average Difficulty
65.0 / 100
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Troll (1)


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1 Review:

This one is a mixed bag. The game starts off with really poor presentation in the first stage. Brown blocks, restarting guy rock, really uncreative traps. As you go farther into the game, the traps do get better, but the music is still bad and restarting. Then for whatever reason on stage 3, the music is fixed and the game turns into some pretty serious needlish gameplay. Then the music breaks again for stage 4, then it's fixed again in stage 5.

The final stage is just terrible with confusing visuals and some really bad gimmick with bats. At one point I am fairly sure the gimmick is broken at which point I had to save skip past it. Shortly after the game ends very abruptly.

It might be worth playing the first few stages if you like booby traps and can tolerate the erratic production. Other than that it feels like this game is all over the place and would have benefit greatly from some more polish and testing.

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Rating: 5.5 55       Difficulty: 65 65
Jun 3, 2015