4 Reviews:
You might as well just click the clear box for this one. Geo and Shoe summed it up perfectly. It's bad.
If you want to get the clear screen, jump to the left on the first stage, and jump up the text to the top-left corner.
Also, the clear screen is really laggy. Not sure about that.
If you want to get the clear screen, jump to the left on the first stage, and jump up the text to the top-left corner.
Also, the clear screen is really laggy. Not sure about that.
Tagged as: nosense
[1] Like
Rating: N/A
Difficulty: N/A
Sep 25, 2019
"Hey everyone! I made a really bad game, haha! it's supposed to be really awful, because that's the joke! So random XDXdxDXDd" - This game.
[0] Likes
Rating: 0.0 0
Difficulty: N/A
Oct 17, 2015