Creator's Comments:
StuoidSausePlotis [Creator]
A classic from 2015.
Sad that the review that said something along the lines of "I hope the next joke we see from this guy is his cancer screening test" was removed. Really brings a tear to my eye.
Also oops, I never made that ambitious actual game I had intended to at the time. It'll probably still happen, but not primarily made by me, and not a fangame.
Also also, no idea why this one isn't tied to my account; maybe due to the presence of spaces in the submission but lack in this username? That's my best guess. Won't bother submitting an ownership request because it doesn't really matter.
[2] Likes
Sad that the review that said something along the lines of "I hope the next joke we see from this guy is his cancer screening test" was removed. Really brings a tear to my eye.
Also oops, I never made that ambitious actual game I had intended to at the time. It'll probably still happen, but not primarily made by me, and not a fangame.
Also also, no idea why this one isn't tied to my account; maybe due to the presence of spaces in the submission but lack in this username? That's my best guess. Won't bother submitting an ownership request because it doesn't really matter.
Rating: N/A
Difficulty: N/A
May 6, 2020
15 Reviews:
It says on the wiki that it's a joke, but I'm not laughing.
[7] Likes
Rating: 0.0 0
Difficulty: N/A
Oct 30, 2015
Your task is to jump at the spike right above you and then die. And that's all. Amazing.
Tagged as: Special
[3] Likes
Rating: 0.2 2
Difficulty: 1 1
Oct 30, 2015