I wanna be the Immature Life

Creator: あお

Average Rating
8.1 / 10
Average Difficulty
91.1 / 100
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Avoidance (4)


  • by Normal
  • by Cutie
  • by Everlas3

10 Reviews:

this boss is one of the hardest and greatest avoidance I've ever cleared. a really good mix between patterns and RNG's,good song, cool attacks.
it was hard to play the boss first look, so I watched clear video but it was still hard for me.

The concept of the game is "to become difficult gradually" (from readme), but there are not much hard rng and patterns until you reached the last chorus. so I think the boss will not take you long time to reach there.
the last chorus has really hard pattern, so you will be died a lot to them. but it will be pretty easy after you learned it perfectly.
every pattern isn't severe to do, they are easier than its visual.

the platform is made by 25 blocks,so you can know a safe spots for patterns by counting a blocks.
it's sometimes hard to see white apple because of the background color, but most of they are pattern so it's ok.
I really enjoyed playing the boss!

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Tagged as: Avoidance
[7] Likes
Rating: 9.5 95       Difficulty: 90 90
Jan 19, 2017
You can download the game at the Ao's niconico blog : https://com.nicovideo.jp/community/co3115235

This is a very hard, really fast-paced and long avoidance. The amount of skill needed is really high, so I would only recommend to someone who is just a god at avoidance, or who wants to upgrade his/her skill (this was my case). I'll review the avoidance in detail.

- Intro (0:00 ~ 0:26)
Nice intro with 99% skill based attacks. If this is hard for you, you should play other easier games or you will be wasting 100+ hours of time progressing nothing.

- First Verse (0:26 ~ 0:56)
Surprisingly first pattern attacks rarely got monotonous. I could easily get used to circle attacks. But the bouncing + aimed bullets were really annoying, I just couldn't react and decide which direction to go. It just felt luck-based. And dying to the attack after that was really demotivating. It doesn't look hard but it was hard to read, with some luck involving a little bit. I think it's skill-based though. Overall fun but annoying to die here.

- First Chorus (0:56 ~ 1:19)
Reasonable and enjoyable attacks. Once you become accustomed to this chorus, chance of dying here is really low unless you don't concentrate because of the long grind.

- Second Verse (1:19 ~ 2:00)
This is where the real game begins. The part from an attack where white fruits fall down to the end of the verse made me want to smash my keyboard. They were luck test at least for me. Getting walled is quite common, which made me angry every time I play this until I got used to them after like 35 hours. Also this is the hardest part of the game. You will have fun with this avoidance if you're good enough to ignore these walls.

- Second Chorus (2:00 ~ 2:23)
First random is 90% skill and 10% luck. And the fast patterns were really satisfying to dodge. But then there's speed=c + forced-to-go-to-the-middle attack. There's nothing you can do when those stupid fruits block your way. Oh, I can do one thing, praying.

- Bridge (2:23 ~ 3:08)
Try not to die on the non-Lime part, especially on bouncing chaos attack. It will make you sad :( As I play this game, I was surprised that I could actually get used to the Lime attack. It was so satisfying. Yeah it can be unfair sometimes but it was more reasonable than I thought.

- Third Chorus (3:08 ~ 3:45)
I enjoyed all but one attack where the screen flickers. It was much more unfair than I saw on the video. I died there more than I did on the final pattern, which was also demotivating. Everything else was good.

- Outro (3:45 ~ 4:04)
Stay clam. Actually I don't know how hard this is since I first tried it. Sorry. But I can assure that reaching here means you are ready to dodge it and clear this hard ass avoidance.

And yeah, that's the game! This was one of the most special fangame experiences for me, although I didn't like it that much. I also think that this game failed in becoming difficult gradually. I won't give this a high rating since I had plenty of bad feelings with this when grinding. I wish I could enjoy this more... I am content with the skill that I have improved so whatever. Give it a try if you're interested in this game!

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Tagged as: Avoidance
[4] Likes
Rating: 5.8 58       Difficulty: 92 92
Nov 28, 2020
An avoidance which has more than earned it's praise, Immature Life is a beautiful fight which mostly leans into simplicity, the visuals are basic but not to a fault, it looks very clean, and the attacks are not too hard to understand at a glance. Within this shell however is a wonderfully varied and fun game, no two attacks feel exactly the same, whether they be the various patterns throughout the fight or the RNG attacks which can sometimes require you to develop the ability to tell exactly how to read certain situations. It leads to a game which has a very nice learning curve which feels amazing to get better at, definitely one of the most satisfying avoidances I've ever played. The only faults I could have are that not every attack in the first half is that good, and some of the RNG can be a bit unbalanced, this was very rarely a problem though. I love this game, one of my favorite avoidances.

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Rating: 9.5 95       Difficulty: 91 91
Jun 19, 2024
i like this game

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Rating: 9.8 98       Difficulty: 80 80
Nov 10, 2023
Had a great time playing this, has a few attacks that can be rough but I would still call it fair, would recommend.

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Rating: 9.0 90       Difficulty: 92 92
Apr 19, 2022