I wanna PoPoPoPoPo

Creator: あお

Average Rating
3.0 / 10
Average Difficulty
67.0 / 100
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Needle (1) Avoidance (2)


  • by DerpyHoovesIWBTG
  • by DerpyHoovesIWBTG
  • by DerpyHoovesIWBTG

4 Reviews:

The needle was very bad and painful, especially the first save which took 800 deaths (rest took 300 deaths).
The avoidance was okay, but the sleeping attack is not reasonable to dodge without indicators, and it's very RNG-heavy in general. Final attack is the hardest and the most unfair one, just why tho.
I do not recommend this game.

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Rating: 3.0 30       Difficulty: 67 67
Apr 21, 2022
Ok so honestly, I was gonna write this review mainly for the avoidance, but considering I fluked half of it and beat it in 7 tries, I can't even say I'm qualified to write about it. I will say it was fun, and the first attack kinda sucks but that's about it. I can see final being really mean but I got pretty easy RNG.

Now I DID spend a good amount of time on the needle, but the only thing I can say about it is that it's bad and that the hardest saves are the first and last saves.

Tip for the first save:
The last jump of the first save has this sphincter diagonal thing, and it's a pretty terrible jump, but actually not bad once you realize that it is valign dependent (ok actually that makes it worse, but trust me, knowing that will help you A LOT!) Basically, when I tried to do the jump in Jtool, I couldn't even get through it no matter how hard I tried. Then, I tried recreating the entire first save, setting my position to a default 0.4 valign, then getting up to the last jump normally. This way I would have about the same valign I would have if I did the save for real. Immediately I noticed I was able to get through the jump much easier. So the trick is to make sure you're saved on the ground at the start, then go through the save normally and make sure not to do any unnecessary jumps. I'm not really sure what valigns are required, the range should be pretty lenient, but just doing the save normally will more often then not give you a good one.

And for the last save:
Grab the align to the right of the save, and drop through all the planes at once without stopping. I found it much easier then trying to stop and jump.

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Rating: 3.0 30       Difficulty: 67 67
Mar 5, 2024
Tagged as: Needle Avoidance
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Rating: N/A       Difficulty: N/A
Aug 31, 2020
Tagged as: Avoidance
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Jul 1, 2020